
Thank You for making a difference!
Thank you for supporting several fundraising campaigns organised by the Green Team over the past few years and helping us raise more than $15000 worth of items/cash. Thank you to everyone who donated to all these campaigns, including this year’s Salvos Christmas Appeal, thus addressing:
SDG1: No Poverty, SDG2: Zero Hunger,
SDG10: Reduced Inequalities and
SDG17: Partnerships for the goals.
- Solar Buddy 2023 - $1750
- Safe Water September 2021 - $1200
- Great Cycle Challenge 2021 - $3900
- Project Brentwoods 2020 - $2400
- Salvos Christmas Appeal (since 2017) ~$6000
Old Textbooks Recycling
Students may drop off their unwanted textbooks such as used VCE or science textbooks (preferably those relevant to the study designs of 2024) at the labelled red pigeonholes in the library foyer during 27 November to 7 December.
The labels will be correspondent to the subject of the textbooks you drop off. Students can take these textbooks for FREE or exchange these textbook donations. Textbooks not taken by the 7th of December will be sent to recycling by the Green Team.