Chaplain's Corner 2024

The word "change" is not often liked. It's a word that leads us out of our comfort zone. When change happens to us, it can bring on worries, anxiety and fear. Change can be a positive factor though. It can bring us new ideas, new friends and new ways to look at situations.
It's inevitable that in 2024 we will all experience some change. It could be in our school in our personal lives or change within ourselves.
One change at Marangaroo Primary School already this year, is me! I’m David or Mr Ward, and I have been appointed the new School Chaplain. I have been a chaplain at many schools for the past 13 years. I love movies, music and cooking and I love to have a good chat. So, if you see me around don’t be frightened to come over and have a chat. Remember the famous words of a kung fu Master Oogway, “yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift that is why it’s called the present”.
Another change I have introduced is to Breakfast club. Breakfast club will now be held Monday and Wednesday mornings, 8.00-8.30am in the A Block wet area. I hope to see you there.
Mr David Ward
School Chaplain