Messages from the Front Office

PHOTO DAY - Monday 19 February
Before Photo Day
- All students have received their personalised order forms
- Orders can be placed online with the shoot key FN3T95K
- Orders placed after photo day, a postage and handling fee will apply
On Photo Day
- Students are to return their order form to the photographer even if they arent placing a photo order
- Please ensure students are in the correct uniform, with their hair neat and tidy
Sibling Photos
- Parents must bring siblings to the undercover area and queue for sibling photos between 8.30am - 8.45am
- Orders for sibling photos can be made online or on the oldest students order form
Specialist Group Photos
- If your child is a student councillor, a specialist leader or faction captain, orders can be placed for those group photos by selecting 'specialist group photo' and then enter the name of the relevant group (as per above)
- Please ensure year 6 student leaders arrive at school by 8.20am as their photos are scheduled for 8.30am.
After Photo Day
- All photos will be delivered to the school
- If you have any enquiries you can contact the photographer, 3P Photography on 9250 6244.
Voluntary Contributions and Charges
Thank you to all families that have already paid their voluntary contributions and iMaths subscriptions, either via Campions or through the front office. If you are yet to make these payments we encourage you to come to the front office to make payment or via direct credit to the school bank account.
Reminder: If you are making direct deposits to the school account, can you please ensure that you provide a reference that includes the CHILD'S NAME AND YEAR GROUP to allow for timely processing.
For example: J Citizen yr 1
BSB: 066 040
Account: # 19905042
The school contributions and charges document that was issued to families in Term 4, 2023, lists how contributions are utilised within the school and also provides a schedule of additional anticipated costs by year group. Families are welcome to arrange a payment plan for any events such as year 6 camp. Feel free to contact the front office staff if you would like to put a payment arrangement in place.
Scholastics Bookclub
Thank you to Mrs Preston in the Library who has volunteered to coordinate the Scholastics Bookclub. Catalogues were circulated to students last week and orders MUST now be placed online. NO cash orders can be placed. Orders will still be delivered to school and distributed to students.
NO Parking on Giralt Rd
We ask parents to please exercise care when driving along Giralt Rd and ask that you do not park on the verges of residents on Giralt Rd. Parking on the verges, especially near the crosswalk blocks visibility of the crosswalk for oncoming traffic and for children who are walking.
Please utilise the horseshoe kiss and drop, or if you do need to park, please consider parking at the Golf Course carpark or the street parking on Addington Way.