P & F Happenings

Welcome to 2024 – we hope you had a restful and joyous break.  We are looking forward to another great year ahead.


The P&F role is all about engaging, building and fostering our Holy Family community. We do this through events, communication, and encouraging parent participation to create an inclusive, respectful environment. 


Next week we will share our calendar of events for the year ahead, but for now, we want to mark some key dates in your diaries…


Friday 16th February – WELCOME BBQ School Playground from 5.00pm

This welcome event is for Kindergarten students and all students in other years & their families (siblings welcome) who are new to the school in 2024.


Wednesday 6th March – P&F Forum School Library and via Teams, time TBC 

All parents are invited and encouraged to attend our general meetings & parent forums hosted in Week 5 of each term to hear about key activities and initiatives both in the school and our community.  In 2024 we are excited to welcome our school leaders to join our P&F Forum to give us an update on student life during the term.  From time to time we may have other guests join to discuss matters we feel are of interest to our parent community. 


Wishing everyone a relaxing weekend after the first few days back at school!


See you around the playground

Olwyn  - P&F President, 2024, and mum to Eabha (Year 3)



We cannot over-emphasise how important and rewarding a role this is for our school and for those parents who fill it.  It helps foster community spirit and cooperation between the school and the P&F and builds community within the class between families and the teacher. It’s a great way to get to know other parents and our teachers. 


We are looking to complete our list of Class Parents for 2024.  We’d like to have 2 parents per class who can work together to deliver this critical role in our school.  Thank you to those parents who have already put their hands up to be Class Parents in 2024.  We will be hosting a kick-off session for 2024 Class Parents in week 3. Until then a huge thank you to many of last year’s Class Parents who are holding the fort!  If you are interested or want to know more please don’t hesitate to reach out to Anna Roberts: annaroberts39@gmail.com


P&F Roles & Special Event Teams

We are still on the lookout for some people to join the exec team of the P&F in 2024. 


Catholic School Parent Representative 

We are seeking interest from parents who might be keen to be our representative to the Diocese on parent and community-related matters. Our Catholic School Parent Rep (CSP) will act as a conduit between the P&F and wider school community, to leadership in Catholic Schools Broken Bay on matters relating to parent engagement, school community governance, and other matters that may impact families in the schools across Broken Bay. There is one meeting per term, with the term 4 meeting held in person. There may be other meetings held if key matters need to be discussed and communicated back to schools. The role is supported by the President of the P&F and the Principal. 


Uniform Swap & Shop

In 2024 we are looking to reinvigorate our second-hand uniform store located beside the playground and will be introducing our new Swap & Shop day to coincide with our quarterly family picnics. For Swap & Shop families will be encouraged to send old, wearable uniforms to school, in clean condition, for them to be sorted and prepared for our Swap & Shop event on Friday in week 7 of each term. This will be a great way to pick up that spare shirt or hat, get ready for the seasonal change, and clear out the uniforms they all grow out of too quickly. 


For this initiative to run well we need a small team of parents who can receive the donations of uniforms in weeks 5 & 6, sort and prepare what’s available ahead of the Swap & Shop in week 7, and help coordinate a roster or parents to man the sales on the Friday. It’s also a great way to get to know other parents and get involved in something that helps create a more sustainable environment. If you are interested please get in touch with Olwyn: olwynodowd@gmail.com