Parent Engagement

Welcome back everyone and a special welcome to all our new Kindy families!  Chatting to a few people in the playground has been such a pleasure. Yesterday we celebrated St Brigid's Feast Day. Special thanks to all the parents who joined us for the liturgy. We always love seeing our families come to our religious celebrations! I hope all families from Year 1 to Year 6 received their family prayer card and that your children suggested praying with it as "Grace" before your meal just once this week! "Grace" is a long honoured Catholic tradition where we express gratitude for the meal we are about to eat each day and say a prayer of thanksgiving.


 ON THE PLAYGROUND If you are a "seasoned parent" please remember how you felt to be new and make contact with anyone looking new. A friendly smile can change someone's day including my own!



Best Start Kindy interviews. Amanda in the middle is also new to the school this year.
Best Start Kindy interviews. Amanda in the middle is also new to the school this year.


From left Pip, Monique and Sofia are new parents of years other than Kindy. Pip is totally new to Sydney. Welcome!
From left Pip, Monique and Sofia are new parents of years other than Kindy. Pip is totally new to Sydney. Welcome!

FOOD, FAMILY AND FAITH See below some important dates to remember in terms of what's happening between school and the Parish. Coming to the children's Masses is always a great way for parents who work full time to part of the Masses just by being present! They also have a chance to meet up informally with other parents at morning tea after Mass. The children's choir is made up of a lot of HF children ably led by two of our HF parents! If your child is interested in joining see Belinda Wong the pianist after Mass.

Anyone got any spare rice cookers you are happy to lend to us for our Project Compassion Rice Day on Ash Wednesday? Please email me on

Our first Coffee Connect (especially for new and newish parents) will be held next Thursday 8th February anytime from 8.30 am to 9.30 am at 153 Moore Avenue Coffee West Lindfield. Just turn left after drop off and keep going all the way down Highfield Road to West Lindfield shops. To rsvp email me on before next Wednesday. Thank you.

Anne Gray

Parent Engagement Coordinator

(Wednesday afternoon and Thursdays.)