Assistant Principal's Page 

Welcome To Kindergarten

Today we welcomed 47 new students to Kindergarten.  It has been a day of excitement, making new friends and learning all about school.  


Our Senior students have been equally excited to meet their new buddies! These buddies will be a great source of help for our new Kindergarten students over the upcoming weeks. 


Thank you to Mrs Busseler, Ms Keating and our Learning Support Officers who have made today such a great day. 


Reminder About School Attendance

Beginning a school year is a great chance to get into good habits and arriving at school on time is an important habit for your child to continue. 


Arriving late to school can be unsettling for your child and is disruptive for our school office, teachers and other students. 


Unexpected incidents may occur, and we completely understand if your child is occasionally late. If this happens then please safely park your car and sign your child into school at the office. 



Have a lovely weekend. 

Sam Edwards -Assistant Principal