Production Photos
Over the four nights of the school production, a professional photographer was in attendance. These amazing photographs will soon be made available for families who have indicated that they would like to purchase photographs of this occasion.
Families that have indicated that their children's images not be stored in the Google Drive; these images have been removed, or altered, so identifying characteristics can not be recognised.
Families that have indicated they would like to purchase photos, will be granted access to the locked Google Drive. Beginning next Tuesday (5th December) emails will be sent from '' to the email address you have listed on Compass. Once you receive the email, follow the link in the body of the email and you will be able to access the photos. Remember to check your junk/spam folders!
Any photos you wish to keep, right click on the image and select 'download' and save the image to your files.
Photos have been grouped as follows:
Cast 1, Night 1
Cast 1, Night 2
Cast 2, Night 1
Cast 2, Night 2
In accordance with the policies of the Department of Education, we strongly request that parents/carers only access and use the photographs for their own personal use and do not publish the images in any form, including on social media, without the prior consent of persons whose children also appear in the images.