Parents and Friends Association
Parents and Friends Association
Our final fundraising activity for 2023 is the Christmas Raffle. This new and improved raffle will offer families the opportunity to be in the running for a variety of themed hampers. The success of this fundraiser does rely on the generosity of parent donations and each year level will be allocated a particular theme. Donations can be handed to your class teacher or to the office.
Our Juniour School Council have come up with the following themes for our hampers:
Foundation: Arts and Crafts
Year 1: Animals
Year 2: Christmas
Year 3: Gardening
Year 4: Summer
Year 5: Sweets
Year 6: Sport
If you would like to go in the running to win one of these brilliant hampers, please return to the office your raffle ticket booklet and enclosed money. The raffle will be drawn at the End of Year Concert on Wednesday 13th December.
All proceeds will be put towards the installation of shade sails over the new playground.
Thank you for your continued support of our fundraising effor
Melissa Roberts
Assistant Principal