Chaplains Spot

‘Songs For Life’

Before a recent family weekend away, I created a Spotify playlist for the occasion. It was fun, as I listened to songs I had not heard for years. Songs can be inspirational, can bring perspective, can challenge, and can just be what we need. Here is a list of some of them, with comments as to why they are special to me. 

  1. Get over it: The Eagles – challenges me to let go of things that are not important. 
  2. The Journey: Tommy Emmanuel – powerful instrumental piece that I turn up loud
  3. Spirit in the sky: Norman Greenbaum – a fun song about our final direction in life
  4. Stand by me – John Lennon – the words say it all
  5. You’re the voice: John Farnham – such a strong message, it touches many people.
  6. Initiation: Tommy Emmanuel – an amazing indigenous ceremony interpretation
  7. Tusk: Fleetwood Mac – an upbeat song that gets me moving
  8. You can call me Al: Paul Simon – obvious really. That’s my name!
  9. The Real Thing: Russell Morris – I love to sing along
  10. Child in time: Deep Purple – the only screaming song that I can get involved in.
  11. Turn up your radio: Masters’ Apprentices – the title says it all.
  12. Take the long way home: Supertramp – I remember it from our 1980 Nepal trip.
  13. Suite: Judy Blue Eyes: Crosby, Stills, Nash – I love this group’s harmonies
  14. Beds are burning: Midnight Oil – this group has very challenging lyrics.
  15. Most people I know: Billy Thorpe – I might sound crazy, but I’m not … really
  16. Beautiful Day: U2 – a great celebration song
  17. Simply Irresistible: Robert Palmer – another singalong and dance-along song.
  18. 500 Miles: The Proclaimers – One of my favourite tunes
  19. I’m a believer: Smashmouth – a great upbeat version of a Neil Diamond song 
  20. Back in the USSR: Beatles – from one of the greatest bands in history
  21. Don’t worry, be happy: Bobby McPherrin – whistle along.
  22. I like to move it: Yes I do!
  23. Listen to the music: Doobie Brothers – I also ‘listen to the music’
  24. Don’t bring me down: ELO – a great combination of rock and orchestra
  25. Bridge over troubled water: Simon & Garfunkel – beautifully orchestrated and sung
  26. Old time rock & roll: Bob Seger – get your dancing shoes on!
  27. Pachelbel: Canon – a beautiful piece of music
  28. Adagio For Strings Op. 11: Samuel Barber – haunting classical music
  29. Hallelujah Chorus: Handel – it’s worth standing up for, this magnificent song of faith
  30. Bohemian Rhapsody: Queen – amazing vocal and instrumental musical creation.



1] The oldest person ever was a French woman, Jeanne Louise Calment, 122 yo.

2] Oldest-known living land animal - a tortoise named Jonathan, at 190 yo.  

3] The most common wild bird is the red-billed quelea, in Africa, population. 1.5 billion. 

4] The heart of the blue whale, [largest animal], five feet long, 400 lbs. Total  40,000 lbs.

5] An elephant's heart weighs around 30 pounds, and a human heart 10 ounces.

6] Elephants can’t jump.

7] Polar bears have black skin. Their fur is clear, so it appears white as it reflects light.

8] Tigers’ skin is actually striped, just like their fur. Also, no two fur patterns are alike.

9] What do Miss Piggy and Yoda have in common? - both voiced by puppeteer Frank Oz.

10] The Matrix green code came from symbols in the  designer’s wife’s sushi cookbook.

11] Skin is the body’s largest organ.

12] The word “strengths” is the longest word in the English language with only one vowel.

13] A mash-up of two words to make a new word (ie. brunch), is called a portmanteau.

14] Coca-Cola sells soup in a can. Bistrone is a nourishing meal, in two flavours in Japan.

15] Contrary to popular belief, it’s really hard to see the Great Wall of China from space.

16] Our modern interpretation of Santa Claus is due largely to Coca-Cola 1931 ads 

17] Play-Doh started as a wallpaper cleaner, then became a non-toxic modeling clay  

18] We shake hands to show we're unarmed. 

19] The coldest temperature ever recorded was in Antarctica, - 62 degrees Celsius, 2018.

20] The hottest temperature ever recorded was in California, at 57 degrees in 1913.


The ‘Road to Bethlehem’ presentation is a live enactment of the first Christmas story. If you would be interested in attending it, here are the details:

WHEN: Monday 4 — Thursday 7 December 2023 

WHERE: Edinburgh College, Lilydale 

TIME:  6:00 PM until 10.30 pm

There are food stalls and entertainment. Tour groups depart on the Road to Bethlehem from 7pm. The 40-minutewalking tours run every 6 minutes with the last tour finishing at 10:30 pm. Go to the following link to book FREE tickets:

GRPS Family support:

Meal Train roster: The link to donate a meal is:

Toast Tuesday: The link to the TT roster is:

2nd-hand uniforms: Available @ assemblies, Toast Tuesday – gold coin donation. Thanks for those who have donated items. This helps our families, including 2024 new families.

Bread and emergency food: We still have some non-perishable food items if your family would like some extra support. Drop in on us at Toast Tuesday.


Contact: If you need to contact me, you can email, phone, or see me on my days at school.

Alan Silverwood: Chaplain - Pastoral care for our community. [Monday, Tuesday, Friday]


Supporting the School community in emotional, social, spiritual and practical wellbeing. 







Our Chaplaincy program is funded by the Federal Government’s ‘National Student Wellbeing Program’, the GRPS School Council and donations.