Facilities Updates

Facilities and Minor works – another UPDATE

On Wednesday morning, I had an impromptu meeting with our building manager from Gemcam, who are facilitating our toilet rebuild and upgrade.


Our first student toilet block is very close to completion. Electrics are all installed, plumbing installed, and plastering and painting done. We are currently waiting on new windows to arrive and be installed, and flooring to be completed. After this, cubicles, cisterns and all other tapware etc will be installed. I was hoping we would have the toilets for our Carols this week- sadly this is not to be (we will use the function room toilets). 


A reminder: visitors to the school are asked NOT to use the student toilets. Visitors PLEASE use the adult toilets in the admin area or in the function room or the hall (new toilets HAVE now been installed in the hall- both female and males toilets). Visitors who are in the ARC building can use the staff toilet in the ARC building. 


It is not appropriate for adult and teenage visitors to be using the student toilet facilities, as we aim to adhere to Child Safe Standards.