What's Happening In Grade 6


We began Term fo with a focus on factual narratives.  Students learnt about the structure and purpose of factual narratives and had a number of opportunities to write their own factual narratives on famous historical figures such as Ned Kelly, William Buckley and Leonardo da Vinci. Students used figurative language such as metaphors, similes, personification and onomatopoeia in their writing. Students also wrote factual narratives about different countries. 


Students read the novel ‘Once’ by Morris Gleitzman which was set in Poland during World War II. Students explored the complex characters and themes in the historical novel ‘Once’ and made text to world and text to self connections. 



The Grade 6 students have been busy learning how to solve long division problems with and without remainders.  Students explored the four quadrants of the Cartesian Plane and plotted points in relation to the origin point using positive and negative numbers. They explored the rules of BODMAS to solve number sentences. 


Future Focused Learning (FFL)

This term our Inquiry topic is Geography. Students located and investigated continents including Europe, North America and South America and compared these to Australia.  They identified differences in the demographic, economic and cultural characteristics of countries. Students also explored how humans impact the environment and the concept of push and pull migration. 


Graduation Practise 

Students have been practising for their graduation ceremony on Monday 18th December. The Grade 6 graduation will be held in the Gymnasium beginning at 6:30pm.  Students should wear smart casual clothing.  We look forward to seeing the families of our Grade 6 students. 


Grade 6 students will round off the year with an excursion to Hoyts cinema and a graduation lunch at school from Subway Delahey. 



Judy Tanner 6A

Kerry Pasharis 6B

Anthony Michielin 6C