What's Happening In Grade 5 


Throughout this term, the Year 5’s have been learning about the purpose, text features and structure of Discussion texts in Reading. They have explored, defined and located sensing verbs, modal conjunctions and ‘for’ and ‘against’ arguments in various discussion texts. Students have also displayed their understandings of fiction and non-fiction texts through using strategies such as prediction and prior knowledge, clarifying language and answering comprehension questions.



During Term 4, the Year 5s have been immersing themselves into planning, drafting and publishing Discussion texts. The students have been discovering how to write a Discussion text aimed at an appropriate audience, displaying both sides of the argument with supporting testimonials.



The Grade 5s have been discovering lots about fractions. They have been using visual fraction toolkits to represent, compare and order unit fractions. They have also been looking at mixed numbers and adding/subtracting fractions with common denominators. 

Students have been focusing on learning about volume, capacity and mass. They are also investigating the language of chance and probability, conducting chance experiments and comparing the results. 



Students have been following the Solution Fluency model for Inquiry learning, where they Define, Discover, Dream, Design, Deliver and Debrief. Students began by learning about the features of Economics, leading into discovering more about consumer needs and wants, leading to goods and services. They took part in a ‘Smoothie Bar’ incursion, where they worked in teams to develop their entrepreneurial skills and design a product and marketing. They will continue to investigate and design sustainable products, aimed at the needs of consumers in our local community.


Kim Jordan

Anita Magliozzi 

Grade 5 Teachers