School Council Report 

Dear Fellow Parents, 


As this year draws to a close and we take stock of all that has been achieved, it has clearly been another very successful year on school council.


We have successfully completed the refurbishment of all classrooms in the main building, installed garden beds, basketball courts, fences, pin-boards and lighting.  We have revamped our homework policy and procedures thanks to your feedback, and we have completed a very successful school review.  

Our staff, student and parent opinion surveys have all been extremely positive and the envy of many, which is a great reward for everyone's hard work. With that also comes improved student results both academically and socially which is, after all, our driving purpose. 


And as our improvement journey takes on its next big challenge, enhancing student agency, the connection and opportunity you have as our community to become further involved in our school will grow accordingly. One very tangible way to contribute is on school council itself. 

Early into next year, we will once again be seeking parents and staff to join school council to help me and the other councilors continue to be the voice for us all.  We would love you to be a part of that, so please keep an eye out for this in the new year. 


I too would like to thank each and every staff member who is moving on to another setting for their unwavering support and dedication to the students here at Mackellar. Having gotten to know the bulk of staff here, I can honestly say that we have an amazing band of staff, and whilst it is sad to see some go, we thank them all and wish them well for their future endeavors. 

Finally, I look forward to thanking our many parent volunteers at our upcoming parent helpers morning tea on December 14. Many of you will have, or will be, receiving an invitation to this event. It's our small way of thanking you for helping us during the year. I look forward to seeing you there. 


Kind Regards, 


Vince Scarfo

School Council President