Parents, family and friends are invited to attend our Annual Presentation Day which will be held on WEDNESDAY 6TH DECEMBER at 11:30am in the Church. A light lunch will be offered under the school COLA after the presentation. Families are asked to bring a plate of finger food to share.
The Presentation Day commences at 11:30 am at Sacred Heart Church which involves the presentation of awards and a few speeches as well as singing performances by the students. As this is an official occasion, all students must to wear their full summer uniform (not sports) which does not include ties for boys. There will be a light lunch at school afterwards for invited guests, parents, family and friends to attend. Parents have been asked to bring a plate of finger food to share and students should pack lunch in case there is not enough food for them.
On Monday 11th December we will be holding Christmas Bingo at school for all students and they are asked to come dressed in CHRISTMAS OUTFITS for a bit of fun. There is no charge for this event. We hope all children have some "Bingo" fun.
Next Tuesday, 12th December the students will be participating in decorating the Christmas trees outside the local business houses in Boggabri. This term, the students have been creating Christmas decorations with Mrs Cheryl Fenton during art and these will be used to decorate the Christmas trees.
At Sacred Heart School classes do not have separate Christmas parties so on Thursday 14 December all students are invited to attend the End of Year Pool Party at the pool. The entry for this was paid for earlier this term with the swimming money. The school buys food for the students recess, lunch and party food so there is no need for families to supply anything except a water bottle as normal. Students may wear Christmas clothes however, please ensure that they do not wear singlets. Please bring towel, rashie, goggles (optional), sunscreen and plenty of water.
At this stage MONSTER ISLAND will be in operation and the pool management requires students wishing to use it, to perform a swim test before being permitted to participate. Mrs Goddard and Mrs Rees will perform the test and those children who pass will receive a wristband. If you do not pass the test, we will still have lots of exciting things for you to do.