Mini School Updates

Junior School
As we wind down to the end of the year, it is an opportunistic time to reflect on some of the great things that have happened this year as well as the exciting things we have in store for early next.
Our junior students have engaged well during Head Start where they have navigated the challenges of meeting their new teachers, the change of classes for some, and being able to experience electives. Head Start is valuable as it sets the scene for a smooth transition into the next chapter of their educational journey.
On Tuesday the 13th of December the school was full of excitement as we hosted our 2024 Year 7 students for Transition Day, where they were able to have a sneak peek into the exciting challenges and opportunities that await them in the upcoming academic year.
In 2024, our Year 7 students will be heading to camp at Phillip Island Adventure Resort on February 12th-14th. This will be a great time for students to make new friends and get to know their teachers, whilst experiencing team building activities, outdoor adventures, and even a hint of surfing! Expressions of Interest with a $200 non-refundable deposit can be handed into the General Office ASAP.
Moving forward, camp for our Year 8 students will look a little different in 2024 with the change from a camp to three separate day trips throughout the year instead. Our first trip will be to Gumbuya World on Friday the 23rd of February 2024. This trip will cost $85 which includes entry, lunch and bus hire. More information and permission slips for this event will come out first week of Term 1. We can’t wait to have some fun in the sun!
As the Junior School wraps up, we would like to say a big thank you to Mrs Bannister for her unwavering dedication and tireless efforts in guiding our students throughout the year. Her commitment to creating a positive learning environment is truly commendable.
We hope our families have a safe and happy holidays, enjoy the sun, and we will see you all next year ready for 2024!
Junior School Team
Middle School
The end of 2023 has come around quickly with our Year 10’s completing their Middle School education and moving on to Senior School. I wish you all the best with your future endeavours. To the 2023 Year 9 students, enjoy your break and return well rested and prepared for your Year 10 2024 studies.
I would also like to thank Year 10 students Alaynna Abuan and Tanna Leicester who filled the Middle School Captain roles with the assistance of Year 9 students Gemma Webb and Connor Jones. These roles included assisting with assemblies during the year and being the face of Middle School. I wish them well with their future and hope they take the opportunity to take on future leadership roles in the College.
A large number of Year 10 students chose to undertake a Year 11 subject as part of the fast-track program this year. This has given them a strong insight into the expectations of the Senior School and given them the tools to further prepare themselves in regards to their schooling future.
I would like to congratulate the Middle School students who participated in the National Basketball competition in Queensland. The College had many positive comments on how well they conducted themselves while representing the College - this was great to hear.
During November the Year 9 and 10 students completed their exams with almost 100% attendance. These exams will set all students up well going forward and has introduced them to the expectations for future exams.
It was very pleasing to see that the attendance during the two weeks of the Head Start program was high. This was a time for students to reflect upon their course choices for 2024. We would like to welcome the Year 8 students who have moved their lockers to Middle School and started their Year 9 classes. We wish them continued success in 2024.
My time as the Middle School Leader ends after 8 years as I am stepping down from this role. I would like to thank all the students, parents, and staff whom I have interacted with over this period. While the role at times was quite challenging, I thoroughly enjoyed it, knowing that my primary intention was always seeking the best outcome for the students in our community. To the staff that worked with me as Coordinators, thank you for your support. It would be remise of me to not say a big thank you to the person who holds the Middle School together and that is Andrea Coad. Without her support I would not have been able to undertake this role.
The Middle School will be in very capable hands going forward with Daniel Board in the Middle School Leader role - I wish Daniel all the best.
Finally, I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Darren Mitchell
Middle School Leader
Senior School
Congratulations to all of our Year 11 and 12 students who have completed their formal end of year programs, assessments and examinations for the semester and year! For our Year 11 students, the exams they completed between 17 November – 23 November are important practice and a way for students to continually refine their skills in the lead-up to Year 12. In general, both Senior School staff and supervising staff were impressed by our students’ attendance, preparation and behaviour throughout.
It was a privilege to celebrate with our graduating class of 2023 students at the Graduation Evening on Friday the 24th of November. The evening was a wonderful celebration and opportunity for students to get together with family and friends, alongside staff, and celebrate the completion of Year 12. For most of our graduating students, the entirety of their secondary schooling has been at Lowanna, and in that time each and every one of them has made a positive contribution to the school – be that in large ways perhaps as a student leader or as part of a sporting team, or smaller but no less significant ways including the friendships and interactions with those around them. As a College, we are proud of you, we are proud of your accomplishments, and we wish you well as you embark on the rest of your lives!
We have also been impressed with the way in which our students in all year levels have approached Head Start in the past fortnight. Moving to the next year level is always an exciting time, particularly for those students who will be in Year 11 next year and have just joined the Senior School. Despite some weariness as the year draws to a close, our students have embraced Head Start with an enthusiasm we hope to see return for the start of 2024. Head Start is designed to give our students the chance to get to know their new teachers and understand the key skills and knowledge they will need to develop for each of their subjects. Furthermore, the program allows teachers to better get to know their students as people and as learners through a wide range of formative learning activities designed to facilitate this. As Senior School students, there will be holiday homework to complete in preparation for Term 1 next year to ensure that each and every student is in the best position to achieve their goals and experience success. For many VCE subjects, students will need to have access to Edrolo, which is a fantastic online resource providing video lessons, tutorials and practice exams and questions for our students to gain an early understanding of the topics they will cover next year. A reminder that payment of the subscription for this platform (communicated recently on Compass) is required to ensure access over the break.
Semester Two school reports will be published soon which will provide valuable feedback on your child’s learning. We encourage you to read these reports with your child as they provide a perfect opportunity for reflection and identify areas for future academic growth.
We are very happy to see those students who have displayed outstanding effort and results throughout the year recognised for their diligence, application and character at the recent Awards Evening. It is our privilege, as educators, to be part of their learning journey and to acknowledge their endeavours and achievements on the night.
On a final note for 2023, I wish the entire Lowanna College community a safe and happy holiday season. I hope you all enjoy the summer break and return in 2024 feeling refreshed and ready for an exciting new year.
Nicole Taylor
Assistant Principal – VCE Outcomes