College Updates 

General Office Hours

Compass Update

Year 12 Dux

Following the release of Year 12 results on Monday the 11th of December, we congratulate our Year 12 Dux, Bella Simpson-Jung. Bella is very pleased with her results and is excited about pursuing a double degree in Science and Arts, majoring in Microbiology and Philosophy at Monash University next year. We are very proud of Bella's achievement, and we wish our Class of 2023 all the best for their future endeavours.

Uniform and Uniform Exchange

It's time to start organising school uniforms for Term 1 2024! Please familiarise yourself with our Uniform Policy (below) and start organising school uniform for 2024, stocked at Beleza. 


A reminder to families that the College has a Uniform Exchange for students that arrive to school out of uniform. Notes from home explaining why students are not in uniform are not accepted, and students will be sent to the Uniform Exchange to change into correct school uniform. 

School Holidays

School holidays for students commence on Saturday 16 December. We wish our College community a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2024. We look forward to welcoming our families and students back to the College in Term 1, 2024 (check the School Calendar for important dates).

School Photos 2024

Please note that School Photo dates for 2024 are;

Tuesday 27 February - School Photo Day

Monday 18 March - Catchup School Photo Day

Tuesday 16 April - Year 12 Photo and Sports Academy Photos 



More information will be available to students and families on Compass early in Term 1. 

Box of Books

Please visit the Box of Books website to order your books for 2024 and refer to Compass for instructions and for further information.

Outdoor Education Excursion

On Friday the 3rd of November our Year 10 Outdoor Education students enjoyed a day of paddling at Blue Rock Dam in Willow Grove. This term they have learnt, and put into practice, canoeing skills over three separate day trips in preparation for their overnight camp to Lake Tyers, Nowa Nowa, which was later in Term 4.


Class of 2013 

On Saturday the 11th of November our Class of 2013 had their 10-Year Reunion (the reunion was organised by a previous 2013 alumni). It was a great night, which saw more than 70 past students attend, including some of our current staff members.

Remembrance Day

On Saturday the 11th of November we had three students - Lachlan, Allirah and Gemma, and two staff members represent the College at our local Remembrance Day Ceremonies at the Yallourn/Newborough RSL and Yallourn North. 

Lest We Forget.

A Night with the Arts

On Tuesday the 14th of November students from Years 7-12 participated in An Evening with The Arts. The event showcased the talents of our music, visual arts and food technology students. The audience enjoyed performances from the College choir groups, ensembles, the Junior and Middle school bands and several solo acts, as well as a presentation of Year 11 artwork. Delicious scones and drinks were made and served by Ms Logan and our Cafe Culture class.

SRC Update 

SRC Celebration Day

On Wednesday the 15th of November our SRC students attended their Celebration Day event - a few hours at Wyn City in Morwell. It was great to spend time with the students outside of the College, and to reward them for the work they have done this year as student leaders. 

SRC Planning Day

The 2024 School Captains and Year Level Captains attended an SRC Planning Day on the 6th of December where they undertook training in public speaking, participated in leadership and teamwork activities, and started planning for next year.

Year 9 Food Studies 

Our Year 9 students have been busy making beef burger sliders in their Food Studies class. Yum!

Catch-Up Immunisations 

Secondary school immunisations are provided to students to reduce their risk of contracting preventable diseases and some cancers. Health advice regarding immunisations recommends students receive the following:

Year 7

  • Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine (one dose)
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine (one dose).





Year 10

  • Meningococcal A, C, W, Y vaccine (one dose).

There are a number of students in Years 7 to 12 who may have missed these important vaccines. This puts students at an increased risk of illness.

If your child missed out on their school-based vaccinations, please speak to your GP or local council immunisation service about how they can catch up.


To check if your child is due for any vaccines, refer to their immunisation history statement on the Australian Immunisation Register, using your MyGov account. If your child is aged over 14, they may need to access their immunisation history statement themselves, through their own MyGov account or the Medicare mobile app.


New HPV vaccination resources to assist young people with disability

Young people with a disability should have the same access to preventive healthcare and immunisations as everyone else. Vaccinations can be stressful, and there are sometimes unique barriers for people with a disability.


Cancer Council Victoria, in consultation with Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and Scope Australia, have developed the following resources for parents and carers to improve the vaccination experience for young people with a disability:

Lowanna Canteen

Our canteen has changed hands, and there have been some exciting changes. The new menu has been received positively, with a range of new food options being offered. Stay tuned for more information in 2024! 


Lowanna College School Bus Program

Could families please ensure you complete a School Bus Application form as soon as possible if your student/s require the School Bus to and from school on the Lowanna College School Bus Program.  This is a compulsory form required to add your student to the bus roll for any travel on the Lowanna College School Bus Program.  


If you have any questions or require the application form, please contact the General Office on 5127 9200 to discuss with the Bus Coordinator.

First Aid Note

An annual reminder to provide updated Medical Action Plans eg; Asthma or Anaphylactic Action Plans, to the First Aid Office please.    

Also, any medication to be taken at school and kept in the First Aid Office will require a Medical Authority Form completed and signed by a parent/guardian, along with the medication provided to the school by the family.  


If you have any questions or require the form/s, please contact the General Office on 5127 9200 to discuss with the First Aid Officer.

Arts Update

Year 7 Art

Year 7 art students completed their magnified abstract paintings demonstrating their skills in planning, brush technique and colour mixing.



Year 9 Painting and Drawing

Year 9 Head Start students in Painting and Drawing demonstrated their creative thinking skills in their metamorphosis drawings. 


Year 10 Ceramics

Year 10 Ceramics students recently completed their coral reef and independent artworks for the year.