Specialist Subjects

Physical Education



Our Swimming Carnival is next week - December 14th @ Faith Leech Aquatic Centre. 

All students will be attending, with the juniors grades arriving later and leaving earlier than their senior counterparts. 

Students will need food and drinks for the day, as well as a hat. 

The canteen will be open to families but not for students. 


I WOULD LOVE SOME PARENT HELPERS!- If you are available please check the compass post with more info. 


We've had a great year in PE and I look forward to more fitness and fun next year.  Have a safe holiday and I'll see you in 2024.


-Mr. Smyth


What a year it has been! Thank you so much to all the wonderful families and children and I hope you all have a fun filled (and music filled) break. Our seniors will be kicking off learning their instruments again next year and forming bands to learn and write songs, while our juniors will continue to develop their understanding of our instruments and musical concepts.


Final wrap:

PRODUCTION - Grades 4-6

The production video is now available to both view online and to download. It seems that the video can only be downloaded onto a computer, so the download option may not be available on phones.

The link is here and you will need to enter the following password: ep23




The soundtrack is also available for purchase here. $10 for 20 songs, including karaoke versions of each of the ten songs: https://maximumengagementproductions.bandcamp.com/album/unprecedented-the-soundtrack



Grades 1-3 students have been playing a variety of drama games that explore the ideas of; working with others, improvising (monologues, movements and sounds) and problem solving.



Preps focus has been on drama games that build on inclusive behaviours, coping with winning and losing and having a go. 


-Mr. Mayes

Visual Arts:

The final week in the art room has arrived and I would like to just take a moment to recognize all of the hard work and learning that all of our students have taken on over the past 12 months. It has been incredible to see and hear so many of our students sharing their love of art and excitedly bringing in works from home, personal sketch books and photographs of gallery visits. Over the holidays keep up all the creative flare and I hope your Christmas is filled with endless art supplies. 






We have been revisiting 'Fingerspelling'

So why is fingerspelling used ?

 Often, signers will use fingerspelling for the names of people for example (A-M-Y)  or places like (B-E-N-D-I-G-O). They will fingerspell English words/letters for meanings that do not have an Auslan sign. Sometimes fingerspelling follows an Auslan sign that has the same meaning (eg, one signer used the sign SOCCER then fingerspelled S-O-C-C-E-R), perhaps because the signer is not sure if the other person knows the Auslan sign or because they want to make sure their meaning is clear. 


Check out us fingerspelling the letters of the alphabet above!


Have a safe and happy holiday!

-Miss E