Principal's Item 

Message from the Principal

Dear parents, carers and friends of EEPS,

I hope that the week is going smoothly for everyone. It was lovely to see many of our parents in attendance at our Remembrance Day Assembly on Friday. Monday was World Kindness Day’ so it was also wonderful to continue our focus around the theme of ‘making kindness the norm’.


Getting the balance right

As Principal, I am very proud of the approach and focus that the school has on ‘getting the balance right’. Attendance at assembly over the last few weeks will certainly attribute to this. We have had many presentations for academic efforts in areas such as ICAS and the Maths Olympiad. We have also been able to support and acknowledge the many incredible sporting achievements by many of our students, including representing the school at the state level. In addition to this we have had some wonderful musical and talent performances, including the ‘Fiddlesticks’ ensemble on Monday. We have celebrated our cultural diversity with our Asian Studies Day. At lastly, we have acknowledged and recognised community service and a commitment to ‘just doing good’. This was especially highlighted with Vicki Ward presenting the David McKenzie award to Connor T, a Sustainability prize to Max and Holly, and the recognition of Ryder B for his speech at the Eltham-Montmorency RSL Remembrance Day Service.


OSHC audit- Exceeding expectations

I am very pleased to inform our community that our school-run OSHC service has just completed our regular assessment and rating against the National Quality Framework. Once again we have been assessed as ‘Exceeding expectations’. This is a fantastic achievement and a testament to the effort that all our OSHC staff put in, ably led by Jess and Kathryn. This is an equally significant achievement given the challenges of staffing and the challenges of continuity of programs over the COVID years, since our last assessment. The assessment also came this time in the middle of processing of the 2024 enrolments, which is always a busy time in itself! Some quotes from the draft report

Children’s sense of confidence, security and belonging was supported by the warm, positive

relationships that were established between children and educators. Children demonstrated

ownership of the space, the resources, and the routines, making decisions about what they wanted to do, seeking educators assistance when required and enjoying relaxed conversation with friends and educators. Educators demonstrated a sound knowledge of each child. Children demonstrated a sense of connection to the educators and with each other. Educators were responsive to all children, actively listening and responding to children in a respectful and positive manner.


The approved provider has demonstrated an ongoing commitment to the operation of a school-run before and after school care program, the benefits of which were evident in the holistic approach used to support the children and families who accessed the program.  Embedded critical reflection, with a focus on continuous improvement will continue to support the service in achieving higher quality outcomes.

Well done to our OSHC team.



Fortunately, I know that the overwhelming majority of our EEPS community, past and present, has a strong regard for our school and for our facilities. However, it was disappointing to see that a fire had been lit on our oval for the second time in a month last Monday evening. I did send a direct Compass Newsfeed earlier in the week around this and I thank the parents who have reached out to us. The collective information provided has been helpful to further our investigation. Whilst disheartening we continue to remain focused on the way that our facilities are used by the vast majority of students and parents.


Parent Payment Policy- helping to maintain our programs

Just a reminder that late last week that a separate Compass Newsfeed was sent to all families detailing the categories and charges for parent payment contributions for 2024. The three categories are called; Curriculum Contributions, Other Contributions and Extra Items and Activities. Whilst the Contributions are voluntary all support and assistance is greatly appreciated to allow us to continue to provide the programs, offerings and facilities at the same level as previously. Many thanks


Save the Date- Family Picnic

Please join us for our annual End of Year / Christmas picnic on Thursday 7th December, from 5.00-7.00pm. It is always a lovely, casual, informal evening where families can just get together and hear the choir and the odd karaoke performance.


Bike Ed for our Year 4s is going smoothly this week and we look forward to our last JSC fundraiser for the Starlight Children’s Foundation next Wednesday 22nd November. This is going to be a ‘wear your pjs to school’ day with a gold coin donation. Whilst completely coincidental to the JSC process I am thrilled that Starlight has been chosen as my own mother was a volunteer ‘wish granter’ for Starlight, granting over 100 wishes, to critically ill young people.


Thank you to our community for your support of the ‘purple and gold’.


Warren Lloyd  
