Parents & Friends

It takes a village to raise a child. 

P and F Christmas letter

They say that many hand make light work. Nothing could be more apt when thinking about our wonderful P&F Committee this year. There have been so many people volunteer this year whether it was running an event or just jumping in to help, it is certainly much appreciated. We kicked the year off with Bianca taking the lead on the Easter Raffle, a favourite of the kids. The hotcross bun lunch was the first of many special lunches organised by Talar, Sandra F and Anna. We’ve had pizza lunches, hot dog days, sausage sizzles, sushi and subway days and will be finishing off next week with a complimentary donut day for the current and new students.


Our annual Mother’s Day and Father’s Day stalls went ahead again this year thanks to Aili G and Sandra G taking the lead with their myriad of helpers. This year we were able to dovetail this with a Mother’s Day morning tea and Father’s Day breakfast thanks to being able to be back onsite for activities. Big thanks to all the teachers for helping to organise activities and co-ordinating prayers and ceremonies for the parents. 


The big fundraiser of the year was the Trivia Night. A sensational night of fun and community organised by Carolyn and ably assisted by our new Trivia Master Sam. Besides raising over $5000 for our kids, parents got the opportunity to mix and mingle, bid on some fantastic children’s art, answersome trivia and listen to the MC’s ‘B’ grade jokes.


Tony once again was ever present in the background picking up supplies, organising Working Bees, Bunnings BBQ and Kiosk Friday supplies. Bianca organised the disco, another fun opportunity for our kids which I’m sure they will remember for the years to come.


Fr Andrew and Pat continue to be a great support to the P&F, always encouraging new initiatives and opportunities for us to continue to build community and give our children the best experiences during their primary school journey, so we thank them both for that. I'd also like to thank the othermembers of the P&F Exec - Emma, Sam, Narelle with whom were involved in a multitude of events and helped keep the ship on course. A big thanks to all those who just jumped in when we needed volunteers for an event. It's people like you who enable us to have events to enrich the school lives for our kids.


As Pat would agree, the success of the St Justins P&F is that it needs to continue to be fluid so ideas don’t become stale and people don’t get burnt out. We need to embrace new ideas and allow new people to get involved so they can shine. That being said as I come to the end of my two year stint as Chair of the P&F, there is ample opportunity for new people to come in and share their ideas. Next year the P&F will need to fill the positions of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. If interested, please email Pat with your expression of interest at Whilst daunting at first, once handed over from the predecessor you will have the opportunity to put your own ideas forward and continue to give opportunities to our children to create memories that will last their lifetime.


I wish you and your family a safe, Holy and Merry Christmas.



Marc Johnson

St Justins P and F


Kiosk Friday

Kiosk Friday has returned and will be set up in the Undercover Area.


Please note that all volunteers at St Justin's must have a Working With Children Check:

If you don't have a WWCC, please follow the link to apply

If you have a WWCC, follow this link to register as a volunteer at St Justin's (click on the green box in the top right hand side)

If you are VIT Registered, follow this link to register as a volunteer at St Justin's