How to help your child succeed at school

Sportsmanship on Sports Day

Teaching children to be good sportspeople on sports day is an important aspect of their overall development. Here are some strategies to instill good sportsmanship in children during sports day:


Set Clear Expectations:

  • Before sports day, discuss and establish clear expectations regarding sportsmanship. Emphasize the importance of fair play, respect for opponents, and positive attitudes.

Lead by Example:

  • Adults, including teachers, coaches, and parents, should model good sportsmanship. Demonstrate respect for others, whether they win or lose, and showcase a positive attitude.

Emphasize Effort Over Outcome:

  • Encourage a focus on effort and personal improvement rather than solely on winning or losing. Reinforce the idea that everyone has different abilities, and improvement is a more important goal than winning at all costs.

Pre-Game Discussions:

  • Have discussions before sports day about the values of sportsmanship. Talk about respecting opponents, cheering for everyone, and acknowledging good performances, regardless of the team or individual.

Post-Game Reflection:

  • After each event, take time to reflect on the importance of good sportsmanship. Discuss instances where it was demonstrated and areas where improvement is needed. This reflection can be done as a group or individually.

Encourage Positive Encouragement:

  • Teach children to offer positive encouragement to their teammates and opponents. Celebrate good plays and efforts, regardless of the team. Discourage negative comments or behaviors.

Shake Hands or High-Five:

  • Encourage children to shake hands or high-five opponents and teammates after each game or event. This simple gesture promotes respect and acknowledges the efforts of everyone involved.

Teach Acceptance of Outcomes:

  • Help children understand that winning and losing are part of sports. Teach them to accept both outcomes graciously, learning from both victories and defeats.

Team Building Activities:

  • Engage in team-building activities before sports day to strengthen the sense of camaraderie among participants. A strong team bond can contribute to positive sportsmanship.

Debrief After Sports Day:

  • Hold a debrief session after sports day to discuss the overall experience. Acknowledge and celebrate instances of good sportsmanship and address any issues that may have arisen.

Use Positive Reinforcement:

  • Reinforce positive behaviors with praise and recognition. Highlight examples of good sportsmanship, and create a positive atmosphere that encourages such behavior.

Provide Constructive Feedback:

  • When offering feedback, focus on constructive criticism and areas for improvement. Avoid overly emphasizing mistakes or shortcomings.

Remember that sports day is not just about competition but also about learning valuable life skills. By emphasizing good sportsmanship, you contribute to the development of well-rounded individuals who can appreciate the importance of fair play, teamwork, and respect for others.


Laura Leung

Teaching and Learning