Around the Primary Classrooms

Kinder finally managed to finish the seahorse, she looks brilliant don't you think?
Last week we had extra fun with our Year Three Buddies playing together and making Christmas decorations. We also spent the afternoon with the Preps just having fun.
The Kinder students have certainly improved their bike and ball skills since they began in their original classroom on Nelson Road early this year. They felt very proud to explore the fun and freedom of an ‘all clear’ basketball court by showing off their skills with each other for their final time in Kinder!
Preps have been busy in the lead up to the end of an amazing year. To start this semester the Preps led Kinder to Year 6 in a Prayer Service. They read out prayers that they had written themselves as well as shared some of their favourite prayer songs.
We also had the privilege of participating in an On Country experience this term which was run by ‘Uncle Hank’. Uncle Hank came to speak to the Preps and Kinders about First Nations traditions and customs. Students enjoyed listening to him play the didgeridoo and were able to join in with their clap sticks.
To round off a busy term we went to see the Sleeping Beauty Pantomime at the Playhouse Theatre. The Prep students thoroughly enjoyed interacting with the cast and singing and dancing along with them.
It has been wonderful this year to see the amazing work the Preps have done, they have all had a great time and had many opportunities to learn and grow. The Preps are now excited for their next adventures in Year 1.
Year 1
The girls in Year 1 took some time to reflect on the positives and challenges they've encountered in Year 1. Although they could name many, here is a snapshot of our classes year.
- I loved all the art I did. I love art. Some of the art I did was a Pete Cromer style jaguar, I made a diorama and a did a picture of me as a Grandma. Georgia
- I learned Maths. Sometimes it could be hard and it was fun, sometimes both! Eloise
- I was challenged by phonemes and digraphs I learned this year. Like ough, ai, ay and wor, Now I am a good speller. Ivy
- I think my best work was my diorama and my Pete Cromer picture. I was proud of myself because I worked so hard and tried my best. Indy
- I was excited when we played Apple Tree in music and I was challenged by grouping numbers, especially the hundreds numbers in Maths. Lily
- My favourite thing was doing PE and making friends and doing dance and music at school. Angela
- I liked how my friends were always being kind to me. And my teachers. Aasees
- I learned that I could actually do neat writing because in my old school I was very messy. Charlotte
- I think my best piece of work was my Magic Faraway Tree writing, because I put a lot of effort into it. Olive
- I like Fridays because I get to go to the library. Juliet
- I was excited when I learned how to ready because I didn’t know how to read smoothly in Prep. Merida
- I was excited when I ran in the relay and I came first. I felt so happy. Azalea.
- When I came to Australia I learned how to speak English all the time. I like playing in Year 1, it is fun. Atheena
- I learned how to read books and write sentences. Now I can read hard words. Stella
- I was challenged by making the diorama. The clay was so hard to work with. Sunny
- My absolute favourite thing was making new friends and new teachers, and seeing my old Japanese teacher working here. Lexie
- I learned that the floss words have the same double letter at the end. I also know that English words don’t end in i.
Year 2
Throughout the school year, the Year 2 class has experienced a wide range of exciting learning opportunities that have contributed to their overall growth and development. The students have delved deeply into experiences both within the confines of the classroom and out; showing their learning in diverse ways as seen in our 'comic life' joke scripts, photos of time spent with Uncle Hank, an Aboriginal Elder, excursions and everyday learning.
They have honed their reading and writing skills, developed a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts, conducted hands-on science experiments, and explored different cultures and historical events through HaSS.
Additionally, the students have been exposed to creative and other curricular learning such as music, art, dance, Japanese and physical education, allowing them to express themselves in multifaceted ways, fostering a sense of curiosity and wonder about the world around them.
Furthermore, the Year 2 students have supported each other and become very inclusive and accepting of individual differences and unique characteristics These opportunities have not only enhanced their academic knowledge but also nurtured their social skills, creativity, and critical thinking abilities. It is with sadness that we farewell the boys as they continue their education at St Virgil's College.
Year 3
Wow, what a term it's been! In Year 3, we've been busy learning, celebrating an amazing year together and preparing for our transition to Year 4. Here is a snippet of what we’ve been up to and what we’re still looking forward to:
- Mitch visited our classroom to share some wisdom on the Spirit of Jesus. We’re very grateful for his visit and look forward to seeing him again next year.
- We welcomed grandparents and special friends into our classroom and worked on a virtual reality task with them on the iPads. They had heaps of fun and learned a thing or two about technology.
- We collaborated with our Kinder buddies to host a successful Primary Assembly. This provided an excellent opportunity for us to develop our public speaking skills.
- Step Up Day was a chance to meet our new teacher, Miss Seen, and welcome the Year 3s who'll be joining us next year. We enjoyed games, stories and a sense of community already brewing. We're excited to embark on new adventures together as a combined unit.
- Some of us displayed our athleticism and teamwork by participating in the School's Triathlon Challenge. They swam, rode and ran with determination, showcasing the value of perseverance and sportsmanship.
- We've been hanging out with our Kinder Buddies, reading stories, playing games and having a blast. They're so much fun and we love learning from each other.
- We embarked on a magical journey to the Playhouse Theatre in Hobart, where we were whisked away to the enchanting world of Sleeping Beauty.
- Soon, we'll be off on another theatrical adventure to the Botanical Gardens to witness the classic tale of Pinocchio come to life.
- To top it all off, the legendary Teddy Bears Picnic is almost here! We'll be sharing yummy treats, playing games and cuddling our favourite furry friends with our Kinder Buddies.
Year 4
On Friday 24 November, Year 4 went on their annual Long Day Excursion to Blue Lagoon Camp site at Dodges Ferry.
For many students, it was a very early morning, with the excitement levels high! We left school at 8am, heading straight to Park Beach for our first activity - surfing! We were blessed with glorious weather and the water was just perfect! CoastRider ran an exceptional session, which saw all of us experience success on the surfboard! We spent the entire morning frolicking in the waves and playing in the sand! The hardest part of this session, for many of us, was getting in and out of the wetsuits.
After an incredible session of surfing, we headed to the campsite, where we devoured a delicious meal of chicken burgers and chips. This reinvigorated our energy levels for an afternoon of activities. We played some indoor games, rock-climbed and each had a go at the Big Dipper. For many of us, this was a highlight. We preserved through our nerves, to be lifted up and swung around on a swing. By far the loudest scream heard was from Miss Smith.
Before dinner, we had a lovely evening play in the warm weather. We jumped on the trampoline, swung on the monkey bars and slid down the HUUUGGGE slide!
We returned back to school after dinner, bleary-eyed and tired from a wonderful day of memory making moments!
Year 5
Year 5 have been studying Scripture this term. They have learned about bible referencing and have analysed parables and stories from the New Testament. Here are some pictures of them sharing their Scripture Grab Bags with their buddies.
Year 6
Well, what a sprint to the end of the year it’s been in Year 6!
As well as finishing off our Maths studies with a quick look at two-dice probabilities, Cartesian Co-ordinates, and number patterns, we pitched our “Eco-Village” projects, incorporating our knowledge of sustainable design, renewable technologies, and our interconnected environment.
In between, we’ve caught a couple of performances - “Shrek Jr.” and “The Riddle of Washpool Gully” - and farewelled the Year 10s, as well as rehearsing for our own final Primary School Assembly.
We’ve thought a lot about legacies: how we treat each other, our College community, and our environment has effects far into the future.
We’ve also spent time reminiscing about everything we’ve managed to cram into this year. It’s flown by, but we’ve had an amazing time!