Primary News

Melanie Sluyters

“What we know matters, but who we are matters more.” 

Brene Brown


As I put my thoughts on paper for our final “The View” for 2023, I am reminded about the challenges that have been presented to many throughout the year.  With increased costs to everyday staples, mortgages on the rise and being influenced by other individual circumstances, it has been a year of being ‘up and on’.  


As parents/guardians you have ‘shown up’, ‘stepped up’, ‘picked up’, ‘been up’, ‘looked up’ and had the societal pressures that expect you to be ‘on’ at all times.  You have been expected to be optimistic no matter what, or know how to balance the juggle of life - even if you are not sure how. There would have been times when you resigned yourself to the words ‘just get on with it’ even if the energy levels were low.  


As the next few weeks begin to roll into one there will be a sense of urgency and expectation, a sense of where do I have to be and at what time.  But what I hope for you all is that at some stage over the Christmas break there will be a chance for you to stop and have some down time.  You need to ask yourself, “Do I have a choice here and what are the implications if I don’t?”


Thank You and Merry Christmas

As we approach the joyous celebration of Christmas, I along with all the Primary Staff extend a warm and heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you. In this season of love and reflection, I am reminded of the incredible community we have here at Mount Carmel College.  Together, we have shared moments of growth, learning, and camaraderie, and as we come together to celebrate the birth of Christ, I am filled with gratitude for the wonderful families that make up, not just our Primary, but our whole school community.


Christmas is a time to embrace the spirit of giving, kindness, and love. It is a season that unites us all, transcending boundaries and fostering a sense of togetherness. As parents/guardians, your role in shaping the character and values of your children is paramount, and during this festive season, let us reflect on the profound impact our collective efforts have had on them.  


Let us remember the true meaning of Christmas - the birth of Jesus Christ, our Saviour. His teachings of love, compassion, and humility serve as a guiding light for us all. As you gather with your loved ones, may the joy of His presence be felt in your homes, bringing peace and harmony to your families.


This Christmas, let us also take a moment to appreciate the diversity that enriches our school community. Our unity in faith is a source of strength, and it is through understanding and respect for one another that we truly embody the teachings of Christ.


May the holidays bring you moments of joy, reflection, and connection with your loved ones. May your homes be filled with the warmth of love and the laughter of family and friends. As we embark on this festive journey, let us carry the spirit of Christmas in our hearts and share it with those around us.


“Christmas is the privileged occasion to highlight one of the most influential Christian values:  with the birth of Jesus, in the simplicity and poverty of Bethlehem, God gave back dignity to every human being’s existence. He offered to all people the possibility to participate in his same divine life. May this immeasurable gift always find hearts ready to receive it!” 

Pope John Paul 2


The Nativity and Family Barbeque

At 6:00pm on Monday 11 December our Kinder - Year 3 students will present the story of Jesus’ birth to family and friends - commonly known as ‘The Nativity’.  The story extends across religious, cultural, and philosophical dimensions, and serves as a symbol of faith, hope, humility, and shared values.  

This evening is an incredibly special time for our community and sees not just members of the classes involved take part, but students and families from Years 4 - 6 are also invited to attend.

All families and friends attending are asked to be seated no later than 5:45pm in the Cahill Centre so that we can commence right on time. If your child has a costume (Prep - Year 3) being provided by the College, please meet with Mr McNulty and Mrs Reynolds at 5:40pm in Room 29 - which is one of the classrooms close to the Cahill Centre when you access it from the ramp.  Here they will change out of their free dress and be ready to take part in our liturgy.  

Kindergarten parents/guardians please head to the Kindergarten at 5:40pm where your daughter will be provided with an angel costume to put on.  They will stay in that space and be brought up to the Cahill Centre by the Kinder staff.  At the conclusion of the evening (before the BBQ) all Kinder students will return to the classroom to change out of their angel costume. Parents can meet their child at the Kindergarten classroom

Those students who are not in costume can wear free dress for the evening.  Students can have Christmas type decorations eg antler ears/Christmas hats but they are not to be worn until after the liturgy. 

At the conclusion of the Nativity students and their families are invited to ‘sing up a storm’ to some well known Christmas carols before heading out to partake in a barbeque extravaganza. Given the weather is going to be delightful please free a picnic blanket or two. 

In the original correspondence there was a cost for sausages and burgers but we have waived this - the cost will only be for drinks. If you haven’t put your order in please do so as soon as possible so that we can finalise catering.  A reminder to all Kinder - Year 3 families that this is a compulsory event. 

The link below will most definitely put you in the spirit for this glorious evening. 

Year 6 Final Assembly 

Today we held our final assembly as a Primary school and it was a chance for our Year 6 students to host their parents and thank them and the Primary staff and students for the support shown throughout the years. It was lovely to listen to the walk down memory lane as our Year 6 students shared some highlights of the time spent from Kinder to Year 6.  It gave us a giggle to witness some of the photos taken throughout their time in Year 6 - a time full of laughter and joy.  And it was with immense pride we farewelled this cohort from the Primary and know that their Secondary years will be one full of celebration and excellence.