Wellbeing News

Mrs Charlotte Allan 

Student Wellbeing News 

Positive Behaviour For Learning (PBL)


Whole School Weekly Behaviour Focus 

Week 7 Help Others in classroom spaces  by working together
Week 8 Act Responsibly in classroom spaces  by looking after personal and school property 
Week 9Show Respect in all spaces by speaking appropriately to others.

Week 10 

Show Respect  in all spaces by leaving spaces how you found them.

SRC (Student Representative Council)  

This Term our SRC representatives have been collecting data from the students. They have surveyed random students in each class to ask them questions about their learning and our school. Some of the questions included:

What helps you to learn well and join in at school? 

What do you  like about St.Michael’s?

What can students do to make the school friendly and inclusive for all?

Do your teachers give you choices in your learning? How? 

The SRC team came back collated the data, provided their own personal data and noticed that they would like to also ask the teachers their thoughts. Next week they will be collecting teacher data and we will then come together to decide where to next. 


Please reach out if you have any further questions or if I can support you or your child in any way callan@smashburton.catholic.edu.au