Principal's News

Ms Grace Carlo-Stella


Dear Parents,


As we approach the end of another scholastic year we stop to give thanks to the many staff, parents, students and community members that have played a part in the success of 2023. The last two weeks of this term we will stop to celebrate.


Capturing Moments or Creating Memories?

In the age of smartphones and cameras, we often find ourselves immersed in capturing

 every precious moment of our children's lives. While it's wonderful to have a record of these events, we encourage you to ponder: are we truly enjoying the moment, or are we viewing it through a lens? An insightful article I recently read emphasises the importance of being present and fully engaged in our children's experiences, rather than observing them behind a screen. Let's make an effort to savour the moments as they happen.


Thank You Liturgy for Parent Helpers tomorrow 1 Dec 2023.



Tomorrow, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our parent volunteers who have selflessly dedicated their time to support our school community. Join us for a special liturgy and morning tea to express our appreciation for the invaluable contributions of our parent community.


Feast of St Francis Xavier - Patron Saint of Australia

This coming Sunday marks the feast of St Francis Xavier, the patron saint of Australia. Beyond being the namesake of our school and parish, St Francis Xavier holds a special place in the hearts of Australians. His missionary work in the East, including India and Japan, exemplifies dedication and service to others. 

We will celebrate his feast day on Monday with a liturgy at assembly, followed by a day of activities centred around St Francis Xavier and well-being.


Advent: A Time of Preparation

This Sunday also marks the beginning of the Church's liturgical calendar with the first Sunday of Advent. Advent is a season of reflection, anticipation, and preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas. It is a time for spiritual growth, hope, peace, joy, and love as we eagerly await the arrival of the Christ Child.


Upcoming Events

  • Carols by Twilight Thursday, 7 Dec 2023: Join us for a festive evening as we come together as a community to celebrate the spirit of the season. More information was sent via Compass today.
  • Movie Day Friday 8 Dec 2023: A day of entertainment awaits the students on Friday. Thank you to the parents who have completed the online permission form. I ask all parents to ensure this is completed by the end of the week so we are able to organise the buses.
  • Student Reports: Semester two reports will be available on Compass on Friday, 8 Dec 2023 at 3.30 pm. Any parent wishing to discuss the report with the class teacher is asked to contact the school office to make an appointment. Students are to be congratulated on their hard work during the second semester of the year.
  • Graduation Wednesday 13 Dec 2023 As we embark on the final week of 2023, we look forward to honouring our graduating students with a Mass on Wednesday night. We celebrate and give thanks to the graduating class of 2023, for the learnings, the friendships and memories.
  • Mass of Thanksgiving and Farewell will be on Friday, 15 Dec 2023, commencing at 9.15 am. It's a time to celebrate achievements, express gratitude, and bid farewell. During this mass, we will also announce the student leadership team 2024

Kind regards,


Grace Carlo-Stella
