Infants and Primary


Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and happy, relaxing and safe Summer holidays with your nearest and dearest. See you all recharged and ready for all the great things that 2024 will bring us – our Year 1-6 students join us on Thursday 1 February, and our new Kindergarten students on Friday 2 February.



It’s a wrap for school for 2023 and we are all ready to take it easy, let go of the routines and get some go slow mode on! It has been a fantastic year in our Kindergarten classroom and all students should be super proud of their start to school. This week they spent some time with Miss Friend in the Year 1/2 classroom and were most excited about this, they are ready for the next stage of their learning. Happy Christmas and happy holidays to all!


Primary Newsletter

Well, well,'s been one wild ride of a year hasn't it! Looking back at my diary from the start of the year I can't comprehend the amount of things we have squeezed into the year! We've had, swimming carnivals, athletics carnivals, cross country, district sports, western region sports, state sports, Smart and Drama Night, Healthy Harold visits, police visits, student wellbeing days, feather celebrations, fundraisers, mufti days, primary excursions, Trent Barrett Shield, Mortimer Shield, year 6 transition days, year 6 farewell assemblies, fortnightly assemblies, pool days, mentoring programs, swim scheme, swimming for sport and even found ourselves without power at school once or twice! With all these things it's hard to see how we fit everything in!

We have seen growth in our primary class numbers also which is pleasing to see as it shows we are a great choice for the education of children around the community. Our class sizes got so large in term 2 that we launched a 6th mainstream class for terms 3 and 4 to allow for smaller classroom sizes and more one-to-one teaching for all students. We are very proud to announce that this will continue for next year here in the primary department.

Unfortunately, it's time to say goodbye to some of our staff. Amy Green will be taking up a position in a new school down the south coast on a Kindergarten class and we are all excited for Amy's next step in her teaching career and we thank her for her valuable contributions to our school. Paris Corcoran is also taking on a new challenge at another school closer to Canberra and we wish Paris all the best for her new adventure. Paris took a challenging role by establishing a new class in term 3 and we thank her for her effort and care in creating a great learning environment for the year 4/5 students. We also say a big thank-you and farewell to Sue Dwyer who will be stepping down from her role as Yindy teacher at the end of this year. Sue has had a long history with our school across a number of different roles and we thank her for her for what she has brought to our school over that time and wish her well in retirement.

We will be introducing our full staff list and areas of responsibility at the beginning of 2024. We are excited to welcome some new staff to our school and to our local area.

Students had their 'meet the teacher' hour on Monday where they found out the classes they are in for 2024. There were lots of smiles from children and we look forward to hitting the ground running to start the year.

Well done and congratulations to all of our award winners at the Presentation Night last Thursday - well done on your achievements throughout the year and I hope others take inspiration from your achievements.

As always, please get in contact with me via email if you have any questions or concerns.

I wish you all a very happy, safe and healthy holiday break - see you in 2024.

Jason Stuart

Assistant Principal Primary (relieving)



Well, it's time to wish our year 6 cohort all the best as they finish their primary schooling years. We had a fantastic Graduation Assembly on Monday afternoon where we individually announced all graduates, they received certificates, mugs, placemats and they even got to ring the playground bell one final time. 

We have had a very busy year, and no doubt we all deserve a rest at the end of it. I thank all of the families of 5/6 students for their input into their children's education throughout the year, and I appreciate every phone call, email or chat that we have. Whilst not all problems can always be solved immediately, it's important that we all work together for the best possible outcome.

I want to thank all the 5/6 students for a fantastic year and I know you will all do well in the future. BCS was very lucky to have you in the primary school - and I look forward to seeing you grow and develop here over the coming years. I'm writing this as we prepare for our Year 6 Formal Dinner on Wednesday night, and look forward to what's in store for the evening and the next few days here at school.

As always, please get in contact with me via email if you have any questions or concerns.


I wish you all a very happy, safe and healthy holiday break - see you in 2024.


Jason Stuart

5/6 Class Teacher


 Celebrating Creativity and Learning: Year 4/5 Genius Hour Presentations 

We are excited to share the incredible achievements of our Year 4/5 students as they recently presented their Genius Hour projects to the class. Genius Hour is a term-long project that empowers students to explore their passions and interests through an inquiry-based approach, allowing them to take the lead in their own learning journey.

During this special fortnight, our students showcased their knowledge, skills, and creativity, turning their interests into captivating presentations. The enthusiasm in the room was palpable as Year 3/4 students joined us as an audience, creating a wonderful sense of community and shared learning.

Diverse Topics and Innovative Approaches:

The presentations covered a wide range of topics, each student bringing their unique perspective to the forefront. Amelia took on the role of a teacher for the day, guiding her classmates through a delightful watercolor lesson where they created heartwarming Christmas cards. The room was filled with laughter and festive cheer as the budding artists expressed themselves through paint and paper.

Mila, with a passion for cultural awareness, educated both Year 3/4 and 4/5 about Ukrainian traditions. Her presentation included an exploration of the types of food traditionally eaten in Ukraine, providing a rich and engaging cultural experience for her peers.

Tyson, Bede, and Emmett collaborated to address a practical issue by creating a snake bite kit specifically designed for Australian classrooms. Their innovative solution demonstrated not only their knowledge of local challenges but also their commitment to making a positive impact on the community.

Mason, with a flair for architecture, wowed everyone with a 3D model of the Louvre in Paris. The intricate details and dedication to craftsmanship were truly commendable, transporting the audience to the iconic museum.

Lisa showcased her artistic skills by creating personalized coloring pages for her classmates to enjoy. Her thoughtful designs allowed her peers to unwind and express their creativity, highlighting the therapeutic power of art.


Acknowledging Outstanding Efforts:

A special mention goes out to each student in Year 4/5 for their exceptional efforts and dedication to their Genius Hour projects. The commitment to exploring personal interests, collaborating with peers, and presenting their findings is a testament to their enthusiasm for learning.

As we celebrate the success of these presentations, we encourage parents and guardians to engage with their children about their Genius Hour experiences. The skills and knowledge gained during this term-long project go beyond the classroom, fostering a lifelong love for learning and exploration.

Congratulations, Year 4/5, for shining bright during your Genius Hour presentations. Your creativity and passion have left a lasting impact on our school community, and we look forward to witnessing your continued growth and success

Ms Paris Corcoran 

Classroom Teacher

Swim Scheme 2023

Yindy and all of the Year 2 students have just completed their ten days of intensive swimming lessons. They have all improved so much and have enjoyed cooling off while learning during this hot weather. Thank you to our amazing swimming teachers, bus drivers and supervisors for providing this valuable opportunity for our students to improve their swimming skills before heading off to their summer holidays. 

Swim Scheme Organiser 

Miss Downey

Natalie Downey
