Principal's Address

Newsletter Article – Term 4 Week 10

Library Sneak Peek

The annual presentation night was held last Thursday evening. This was preceded by a BBQ and an opportunity to have a sneak peek at the new Library refurbishment. Our Library has undergone a complete make over which includes new carpet, new wall coverings, all timber painted and a suite of brand new 21st century learning furniture. The space has been designed to enhance the multipurpose use of the Library space and special consideration was given to the colour palate.

Mrs Crokett and Mrs Cusack are to be commended for the hours of planning that went into the creation of this incredible learning space. Thanks also to the many staff who contributed to the ordering, organisation and installation of furniture in the Library.

What a great space for the students to use for many years to come.


Annual Presentation night 

As mentioned above, the Annual Presentation was held at Boorowa Central School on Thursday 7 December. Families were treated with a free BBQ prior to the event to ensure no tummy, child and adult alike, was grumbling throughout the ceremony.

The evening, whilst hot as usual, was very successful. Many students were recognised for striving for excellence, academic achievement, sporting and cultural success and special awards.

The highlight of the night for me was Boorowa Central Alumni Jelisa Apps’ speech to the assembled crowd. She spoke beautifully about her time at the school and her journey since finishing school. She finished with 2 important messages for the students:

  1. People don’t remember what you said, only how you made them feel. Choose kind.
  2. There will always be people smarter than you. Be the hardest working person in the room and you will succeed.

Thank you to Jelisa, Able Seamen Allan

 Cashion, Councillor Joanne Mackay, Boorowa Business Chamber President Garrett Robinson, P and C President Bec Driscoll and Aunty Donna for attending as our special guests.

Congratulations to all the students who received an award. To those who did not this time around. Keep working hard and your efforts will be recognised soon enough.

Year 6 Graduation and Formal

The year 6 class of 2023 graduated from Primary school this week. They were presented with a graduation certificate, class designed placemats and mugs at their graduation assembly on Monday afternoon. All students then followed a Boorowa Central School tradition and rang the old school bell. 

On Wednesday afternoon, the year 6 students were joined by their year 5 peers to enjoy their formal. Spaghetti bolognaise was served, speeches were delivered and cake was eaten by all in attendance. The evening was very enjoyable and the Hall looked beautiful

As a parent of a year 6 child, I found the ceremony and formal a beautiful end to 7 years of primary schooling at Boorowa Central School. I am very grateful that my child has had the opportunity to come to our school and to be cared for by so many wonderful adults. I hope this sentiment is shared by all other parents of children at our school.


Yearly School Reports

Yearly student reports will be coming home this week for students K-10. Infants and Primary students will bring home a hard copy of their reports. Some may include a principal’s certificate if they have demonstrated high levels or effort and application across all areas of their report. 

Secondary student reports will be available on the Compass App from Friday. Secondary students who have demonstrated high levels or effort and application across all areas of their report will receive a Principal's letter in the mail commending them for their ongoing ‘striving for excellence’ approach to their education.

As mentioned in my previous newsletter article, when you read your child’s report at the end of the term, please do so with your child, celebrate your child’s successes and discuss the teacher identified areas for development so that they know that the school and families work in partnership for their educational outcomes. This is essential to the ongoing academic growth of your child.


Safety first during the holidays

Senior Constable Chris Anderson attended Boorowa Central School on Tuesday to speak to all classes about safety. For the majority of classes this was about road safety and in particular, always using a helmet when on a bike or a scooter. This includes on the road, on the footpath, at home and at the skatepark. The overwhelmingly clear message from ‘Ando’ and myself is that you only get one brain. If it is damaged, it will not heal itself. Wear a helmet and protect your brain from harm.

For some of the older classes, the safety conversation turned to other potential risk taking behaviours that may emerge in the holidays like swimming in the river, parties, being a passenger in vehicles and more. The message here is always about taking healthy risks by considering the consequences of your choices – good and bad.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

And finally, I wish all our Boorowa Central families a very merry Christmas and a happy new year. I hope all of you have the opportunity to spend quality time with each other over the school holiday break.

School returns at the following times in 2024:

  • 1 February for Year 1-7, 11 and 12
  • 2 February for K, 8, 9 and 10 plus all other students

Graham Jones
