Middle School

Matilda The Musical Jr.

We are excited to be undertaking a 5-8 Musical this year, Matilda the Musical Jr. Auditions will be held for Named Characters on Saturday February 15, and for students wishing to be a part of the Ensemble on Sunday February 16. Please find detailed information about the auditions, including audition materials and sign-up form in the link below. 

Matilda the Musical Jr. Information.

Relay for Life 2025 – Sign Up With The Friendlies Team

This year’s Relay for Life will be held at the Domain Athletics Centre at the earlier dates of Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 March. 


All students from Years 5-12 are invited to join our team and walk for an hour or more (between 1pm - 11pm Saturday and 6am - 9am Sunday) with team Friendlies to help raise money and awareness in support of the Cancer Council Tasmania.  


Please register with our team 'Friendlies' here.  More information will be shared by Operoo closer to the event. If you have any questions please contact Liesa.

NAPLAN - Years 3, 5, 7 and 9

For those families with students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9, NAPLAN assessments will be held in March. The NAPLAN assessments will be conducted online (with the exception of Year 3 Writing, which remains paper-based). The NAPLAN assessments in Primary, Middle and Senior Secondary School will take place between Wednesday 12 March and Monday 24 March. 


Further information and specifics on the tests and timing will be provided to families with students in these year levels soon. In the meantime, more information for parents regarding Naplan Online can be found here  Please contact John Hoggart for Year 7 questions.

Matilda The Musical Jnr - Uniform Donations for the 5-8 Musical

We would love you to consider donating items that you no longer need to the Years 5-8 Musical, Matilda Jnr! As we will be casting students in Years 5-8, we are looking for items that are appropriately sized for students of that age. The items we will gratefully receive are;

  • Grey formal school shorts
  • Grey formal school pants
  • Old white shirts which can no longer be worn at School

Please drop off any freshly washed donations to the Middle School office, marked for Essie Hoggart. Thank you!

Road Safety - Boa Vista Rd

The School and other families have witnessed several poor road safety and non-compliance choices on Boa Vista Road, which is compromising good safety, traffic flow and parking. Understandably, wellbeing and safety of everyone is paramount at Friends’ and as a School, we take road safety very seriously.  


Drivers are asked to exercise patience, obey the road rules, act with respect for others and follow the parking restrictions that are in place to ensure good order and safety at busy times.


Please do not allow your child/ren to exit out of an unparked car. Rather, please wait until you can access a ‘stop and drop’ space on the side of the road.

Year 8 Connections

Excursion Dates are in the following class groupings:

  • Friday 14 February- Rustin & Bracey

  • Friday 21 February - Stowe and Knight

  • Friday 28 February - Tuke and Preston

Students will head to Kingston Beach and have the opportunity to participate in volleyball, stand up paddle-boarding and swimming. Students will depart from school at 11am on their allocated date and return at the end of the school day.


Students need to bring: swimmers, rash vest, towel, water bottle, bucket hat, sunscreen, dry clothing and a waterproof bag.  Wetsuits are optional.  Any medications for asthma or allergies should be brought as well. A visit may occur to a nearby shop but students must bring a packed recess and lunch (no lunch orders on this day).

Year 7 Mountain River Sea Camps

Camp dates are in the following class groupings:

  • 17-19 Feb Fry and Walker
  • 19-21 Feb Mott and Penn

In the morning, students do not come to Middle School - camps depart from Bell Street and drop-off is back at Bell Street.  


Please advise the Middle School Office on 6210 2235 if you are running late on your departure morning or unwell. 


Classes will be camping at Rivers Edge Campsite in tents and participating in a range of activities including rafting on the Huon River, bushwalking at Hartz Peak and also a beach program at Kingston.  


All information, including a list of equipment, has been sent out this week through Operoo but please also ensure medical information has been updated on Operoo.


If your child will be absent from school for the day please advise the Middle School Office (phone: 6210 2235, or email: middleschooloffice@friends.tas.edu.au ). We appreciate your support in this process.

Important Dates 

Term 1 Friday 31 January to Friday 11 April

Monday, 17 February - Year 7 Camp departure (Fry & Walker)

Wednesday, 19 February - Year 7 Camp departure (Mott & Penn)

Friday, 21 February - Year 8 Beach Day (Stowe & Knight)

Friday, 28 February - Year 8 Beach Day (Tuke & Preston)

Wednesday, 25 June - Sibling Photos