Primary School


Monday 17 February 

Our next Primary School Assembly will take place on Monday 17 February in The Farrall Centre and will commence at 2.15pm. We welcome members of our community to attend. Please remember that due to privacy concerns and to respect the photo permission choices of other families we ask you to refrain from taking photos and videos during assemblies.

Road Safety - Boa Vista Rd

The School and other families have witnessed several poor road safety and non-compliance choices on Boa Vista Road, which is compromising good safety, traffic flow and parking. Understandably, wellbeing and safety of everyone is paramount at Friends’ and as a School, we take road safety very seriously.  


Drivers are asked to exercise patience, obey the road rules, act with respect for others and follow the parking restrictions that are in place to ensure good order and safety at busy times.


Please do not allow your child/ren to exit out of an unparked car. Rather, please wait until you can access a ‘stop and drop’ space on the side of the road.

Empty Jars and Bottles

The Primary School Cooking and Gardening program is seeking donations of empty jars and bottles to enable classes to start preserving some apple jam and elderberry cordial in the coming weeks. All donations would be greatly appreciated and should be left at the Primary School Office.

Meet the Teacher

18 and 20 February

Parents are invited to attend a “Meet the Teacher” session during February with Primary School classroom teachers. These sessions are designed to give you an overview of the learning program and classroom organisation for the year. Please note that child care will not be provided. All sessions will be held in classrooms at 5.00pm on the following dates:

  • Tuesday 18 February - Year 3/Year 4
  • Thursday 20 February - Year 5/Year 6

Primary Library: Helpers Needed

Our Primary School Library is one of the busiest places in our school: would you believe we do around 35,000 loans per year?! We also have 18 classes a week and process many new resources over the course of the year to keep our collection up to date. We are looking for volunteers who may be able to help us in the afternoons with reshelving, tidying, and putting books back in order on the shelves. We would also appreciate help with book-covering: we are happy for this to be done at home if you cannot make it during the afternoon! Helpers will be given training, and will require a WWVP card. You will also need to fill in a volunteer form at this link. If you would like to volunteer, or would like more information, we would love to hear from you! Please email one of our Teacher-Librarians Sharon Ryan and Catherine Duffett.

Mini Swim Carnival - Year 5

Friday 14 February 

The Year 5 Mini Swim Carnival will be held at Friends’ Health & Fitness pool on Friday 14 February from 9.00am - 10.30am. Students will be walked to and from school by class teachers and will be required to bring bathers, cap, towel and goggles (if required). All students are required to attend. Please contact Lisa Di Venuto if you require any further information.

JSSATIS Selection Carnivals

The JSSATIS selection carnivals will run on the following dates/times for children who have swum in 50 events in the mini carnivals and wish to be considered:

  • Year 5: Wednesday 19 February (11.00am - 12.30pm)
  • Year 6: Wednesday 19 February (9.00am - 10.30am)
  • Year 3: Thursday 20 February (11.00am - 12.30pm)
  • Year 4: Thursday 20 February (9.00am - 10.30am)

Please contact Lisa Di Venuto if you require any further information.

Swimming & Water Safety Program

The Learn to Swim program will be held at Friends’ Health & Fitness pool in the coming weeks. Any enquiries please contact Lisa Di Venuto.

  • Years 3&5: Monday 24 February - Friday 28 February
  • Years 4&6: Monday 3 February - Friday 7 March

NAPLAN - Years 3, 5, 7 and 9

For those families with students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9, NAPLAN assessments will be held in March between Wednesday 12 March and Monday 24 March. The NAPLAN assessments will be conducted on-line (with the exception of Year 3 Writing, which remains paper-based). 


Further information and specifics on the tests and timing will be provided to families with students in these year levels soon. In the meantime, more information for parents regarding Naplan Online can be found here. Please contact Wendy Crow if you have any questions.


If your child will be absent from school for the day please advise the Primary School Office (phone: 6210 2228, or email: ) and the classroom teacher before 9.00am. We appreciate your support in this process.

Important Dates 

Term 1 Friday 31 January to Friday 11 April

Monday 10 March – Eight Hour Day holiday