Italian Term 1 Newsletter

Welcome to Term 1
Welcome all to the Italian newsletter.
I'm so pleased to introduce students to knowledge and further development of language skills in Italian in 2025. I give a warm welcome to the new Foundation students and parents. It has already been great to see eagerness to learn at such a young age.
Teaching and Learning in Italian
Speaking & Listening
This term the children will focus on developing their speaking and listening skills. There will be a strong emphasis on listening and responding to questions. Students will be encouraged to respond in Italian paying close attention to correct pronunciation and intonation.
Students will have fun listening to Italian stories, singing and participating in chants.
Students will learn about the fairytale of Pinocchio, learn to respond to basic greetings and to count to 10. They will also learn about Easter in Italy and the cultural aspects of this celebration.
Year 1
Speaking & Listening
This term the children will focus on developing their speaking and listening skills. There will be a strong emphasis on listening and responding to questions. Students will be encouraged to respond in Italian paying close attention to correct pronunciation and intonation. Students will revise the language learnt last year and extend that knowledge. Topics include basic dialogues, an extension of number counting to 15 and colours using full sentences. They will also learn about Easter in Italy and the cultural aspects of this celebration.
Year 2
Speaking & Listening
This term the children will focus on developing their speaking and listening skills. There will be a strong emphasis on listening and responding to questions. Students will be encouraged to respond in Italian paying close attention to correct pronunciation and intonation. Students will revise the language learnt last year and extend that knowledge. Topics include the Geography of Italy, basic dialogues, and an extension of number counting to 20. They will also learn about Easter in Italy and the cultural aspects of this celebration.
Year 3 & 4
Speaking & Listening
This term the children will focus on developing their speaking and listening skills. There will be a strong emphasis on listening and responding to questions. Students will be encouraged to respond in Italian paying close attention to correct pronunciation and intonation. Topics include the Geography of Italy, its major sights and culture. We will also explore Carnevale in Italy. We will further develop dialogues and extensions of number counting. Grade 3 will learn to count by 10's to 100 and Grade 4 will revise and extend number knowledge. They will also learn about Easter in Italy and the cultural aspects of this celebration.
Writing and Reading
Term 1 is a time when students learn to write small paragraphs by using their knowledge of dialogues to write sentences about themselves. They then use these paragraphs to read and share.
Year 5 & 6
Speaking & Listening
This term the children will focus on further developing their oral language skills. Topics include the Geography of Italy, its major sights and culture. We will also explore Carnevale in Italy. Students will participate in dialogues with peers and communicate paying close attention to correct pronunciation and intonation. They will learn new vocabulary and use verbs and adjectives when constructing sentences. They will also learn about Easter in Italy and the cultural aspects of this celebration.
Writing and Reading
Term 1 is a time when students write paragraphs to write a page about a topic. We use knowledge of dialogues to construct sentences about a topic they are familiar with. Close attention is placed on the use of masculine/feminine differences in writing and the placement of adjectives and verbs in writing. Discussion is also made on plural/singular differences. Students are encouraged to read confidently by sharing their writing with peers.
Supporting learning from home
From time to time students will be asked to take work home to share with you. This is an opportunity to share their enthusiasm for learning Italian and showing an interest in learning about a different culture. Even when not understanding what they are sharing it is a good opportunity for them to show their comprehension of their knowledge.
If you have any queries along the way, please feel free to contact me using my email
Stella Mondy ( or using Class Dojo.