Science Term 1 Newsletter

Welcome to Term 1

I’m thrilled to begin another year of exciting science adventures with our young scientists. This term, we’ll dive into chemistry with engaging experiments, hands-on activities, and exciting lessons that will help students develop a love for science and curiosity about the world around them. Whether we’re investigating materials, mixtures, elements or learning about chemical reactions, there will be plenty of opportunities for creativity, teamwork, and problem-solving. I look forward to working with both students and families to make this a fantastic and engaging term full of scientific learning!


This term, students will explore the science of everyday materials. For the first term, the students are learning the science room expectations and routines. Students will explore the properties of materials and investigate how materials are chosen and used for specific purposes based on their properties. They are developing their observation skills through a range of hands-on activities, and learning to follow simple instructions using science materials and equipment. 

Year 1-2:

This term, the science program teaches students about different materials and their physical properties. Students will explore natural and human-made materials, sorting them based on their origin and properties. They will also investigate how materials can be combined for specific purposes, and experiment with mixtures and solutions. 

Year 3-4

The Chemistry program introduces students to the concepts of atoms and elements in the universe. Students will explore the first two elements, hydrogen and helium, and learn about their atomic structure. They will study the physical properties of elements, model their structures, and understand how their properties influence their uses. 

Year 5-6:

This term students are learning about reversible and irreversible changes to materials. They will learn about atoms, including the role of electrons in chemical reactions and how atoms interact with each other. The program also focuses on the physical and chemical changes that materials undergo, explaining the molecular changes that occur during these processes. Students will predict and observe reactions, such as rusting, by conducting experiments. 


If you have any queries along the way, please feel free to contact me using my email 

Nahal Atashkadeh ( or using Class Dojo.