Physical Education Term 1 Newsletter

Health and PE Specialist Teacher - Mrs Rebecca Robinson
Welcome to Term 1
PE Specialist Timetable
Monday | 2B, 2C, 1B, FA |
Tuesday | 4A, 4C, 5A, FB, FC |
Wednesday | 5B, 5C, 6A, 6B, 4B, 2A |
Thursday | Classroom Teacher in 4B |
Friday | Interschool Sport, 3A, 3B,1A |
PE/Sport Dates
25/02: Southern United Hockey Clinic
28/2 & 01/03: Hook into Hockey 'come and try' day (all ages)
28/02: Interschool sport Rd 4 (Year 6)
3/03: District Swimming (selected students)
7/03: Year 5 Beach Program & Interschool Sport Rd 5 (Year 6)
12/03: Melbourne United Basketball clinic
14/03: Year 6 Beach Program & Basketball Clinic
21/03: Lightning Premiership Day Interschool Sports (Year 6)
1/04: House Cross Country Year 3-6
22/04: (Alternate date for House Cross Country grade 3-6)
29/04: F-2 House Cross Country
Parent Helpers
For sporting events, it is often necessary for the support of parent/carer helpers for events to run safely and smoothly. Volunteers are often needed to supervise teams, help with scoring, walking to various venues and helping out at activities. We have many carnivals such as cross country, athletics and swimming. All of these events and the many more that are provided to your children will often need parent support. Please consider helping whenever you can, even if it is only for a short time. Thank you. :)
When helping with the children at CEPS, it is required that you wear a Working with Children’s Check (WWCC) displayed on a lanyard at all times.
If you have not got a WWCC and wish to volunteer, application forms can be found online at:
Remember to sign in each day you volunteer at CEPS via the computer at the office. This is a mandatory requirement. You will also be required to sign out.
Teaching and Learning
During PE, students are active in moderate to vigorous activity during running and tagging games and skills. They learn fundamental movement skills that enable them to participate in a number of sports as well as learning many social and emotional skills. This term, students will practice striking skills, running, dodging and ball skills such as dribbling, throwing and catching. The students learn rules, follow instructions and work together as part of a team. The students have fun while running around and becoming more confident in their capabilities and sporting prowess.
Learning to use various equipment safely and sensibly
Learn to follow rules and instructions
Learning to play within boundaries
Learning new running and tagging games
Dribbling a basketball/ learning to dribble a basketball
Learning various throwing and catching skills
Year 1 and 2
Playing safely and sensibly using equipment
Following instructions
Playing within rules and boundaries
Performing various throwing and catching skills
Performing striking skills
Playing running and tagging games
Playing games with partners and within small groups
Year 3 and 4
Continuing to follow instructions and play by the rules
Playing in games safely and sensibly
Organising games
Learning to play in modified games
Learning to negotiate with each other in games
Year introduction of the Beep Test and other games
Performing and demonstrating throwing and catching skills
Performing and demonstrating striking skills
Year 5 and 6
Playing various modified games
Performing increasing levels of complex skills in games
Playing safely and sensibly using equipment
Listening to instructions and following rules
Performing roles in games such as coach, umpire
Playing in modified games and practising in various positions in games
Performing greater strategy and awareness in games
Increased performance in running level in the Beep Test
Participate in interschool sports (Year 6)
If you have any questions or messages regarding your child that I should know about, such as not being able to participate in a PE lesson due to an injury etc, please feel free to contact me using Class Dojo as I check this regularly. I will also use this to message any questions as well as post photos/celebrations of sporting events.