From Mr Chaplin

Bayside/Peninsula Area Principals' Forum

Earlier this week, Mr Ridgway and Mr Chaplin attended the Bayside/Peninsula Area Principals' Forum, which focused on the Victorian Teaching and Learning Model (VTLM) 2.0. This updated model provides a framework to guide effective teaching and learning, ensuring consistency across Victorian schools. It emphasises evidence-based instructional practices, learner agency, and a strong culture of collaboration to drive student success.

One of the key takeaways from the conference was the importance of evidence-informed teaching instruction, explicit instruction, and ongoing professional learning—all of which are embedded in our school’s approach to teaching and learning. It was affirming to see that our onsite professional learning plan is closely aligned with the VTLM 2.0 framework. Through structured PLCs, data-driven decision-making, and a focus on evidence-based teaching, we are already implementing many of the priorities highlighted at the conference.

This reaffirmation of our work highlights the strength of our commitment to continuous improvement and ensures that we are not just meeting, but exceeding government expectations. As we continue to refine our practice, the insights from this conference will help guide our next steps in enhancing student engagement, deepening teacher collaboration, and maintaining high-impact teaching across all classrooms.

Staffing update

We are delighted to welcome three new team members to our school community!

Ms Caliri has joined us as part of the Teacher Re-engagement Program and will be working with us for 40 days, primarily supporting our Year 3 students. We are excited to have her expertise and enthusiasm in the classroom.


Joining our Education Support team, Ms Dias brings a wealth of experience as an Assistant Teacher with a background in early childhood education. Her knowledge and skills will be invaluable in supporting our students.


We are also pleased to welcome Mrs Sumarni, who comes to us with extensive experience from Mulgrave Primary School. Her dedication and expertise in education support will be a fantastic addition to our team.


Please join us in making Ms Caliri, Ms Dias, and Mrs Sumarni feel at home in our school community!

Annual privacy reminder for our school community

Our school collects and uses student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy and the Schools’ Privacy Collection Notice.

Our Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy [insert link to your school policy], describes how we collect and use photographs, video and recordings of students. The policy also explains when parent consent is required and how it can be provided and withdrawn. 

We ask parents to also review the guidance we provide on how we use [Microsoft 365/Google Workspace for Education] safely at the school and what parents can do to further protect their child’s information. If after reviewing the guidance, you have any questions or concerns regarding your child using [Microsoft 365/Google Workspace for Education], please contact the school.

For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ privacy policy: information for parents. This information is also available in ten community languages:

  • Amharic
  • Arabic
  • Chinese
  • Dari
  • Gujarati
  • Mandarin
  • Somali
  • Sudanese
  • Turkish
  • Urdu
  • Vietnamese

House Swimming Carnival Results

Congratulations to everyone who participated in the swimming carnival on Monday. It was a day filled with friendly competition between our four houses. The District team will now compete on Monday 3rd March. We wish them all the very best.


A big thank you to Mrs Robinson for organising the swimming carnival, and all the staff and volunteers who helped on the day.

2025House Swimming CarnivalPOINTS













2025 Junior School Councillors

We are excited to announce the newly elected Junior School Councillors for 2025. 


We look forward to seeing the positive changes and fresh ideas you will bring to our school community. Best of luck in your new positions!

FAFreddie MJia C
FBRyder SSophie R
FCMiles ZLola B
1ABilly GFiona Z
1BZen CHallie S
2ACooper MLucy K
2BZachary WYiqiao M
2CArcher NBonnie W
3AWill GElizabeth P
3BJun LZoe K
4AHunter SEliza F
4BBilhan YElla A-C
4CBilly WLeah R
5ARafael KEmber L
5BRohan SEmilia A
5CLeo GMaisie N
6AMaya BKasey D
6BAtticus V-FValerie K

CEPS Community Picnic