Reflections on Faith 

From the desk of the Religious Education Coordinator - Miss McMeniman

Opening School Mass

Thank you everyone who attended our Opening School Mass last Tuesday. It was a beautiful celebration, inducting our new leadership team prior to the swimming carnival. it was extra special having our parents and family members presenting our new leaders with their badges. 


Sacrament of Reconciliation

Students in Year 3 are invited to complete their Sacrament of Reconciliation this term! Notes have gone home. If one didn't make it home please contact me through the school office. First Holy Communion will be held next term. 

Our first parent information session had to be postponed. Please find further information below: 




Dear ______________________________________ 


Thank you for  enrolling and bringing your child forward for preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  Sacraments are Parish celebrations and the preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation will primarily take place through the Parish preparation programme, which involves you as the parents and first teachers in the faith leading your child to complete their 1st Reconciliation Preparation workbook.  The 1st Reconciliation preparation will take place during the season of Lent - a time when we are all called to reflect on and look at our faith life and our relationship with God and each other. The  home preparation programme will be supported and supplemented through the Religious Education lessons in the school.  The Home Preparation Workbook will follow the themes or topics: 1) Making Choices; 2) Jesus Shows Us How To Live; 3) Forgiving and Being Forgiven and 4) The Sacrament of Reconciliation (structure and celebration ritual of the Sacrament)


It is important that each child completes their preparation book before their First Reconciliation. 


1st Reconciliation Date : Fr. Thaddeus will celebrate the Sacrament of First Reconciliation (Confession) with the students on the evening of Friday, 28th March  at 5.30pm in the Church. 


Please find below the 1st Reconciliation preparation schedule for 2025


Key Dates and schedule



20th February

First Reconciliation Enrolment  and parent meeting - 5.30pm in the Church. POSTPONED

Preparation period begins - Please return Parish Information and Enrolment forms to school or Presbytery

Catechesis 1Being part of the Church and Making Choices
Catechesis 2Jesus Shows Us How To Live
Catechesis 3Forgiving and Being forgiven
Catechesis 4The Sacrament of Reconciliation (structure and celebration ritual of the Sacrament)
27th MarchFirst Reconciliation Home preparation workbook to be completed and returned to school
28th March(Friday) First Reconciliation Liturgy in the Church 5.30pm – Parents to bring their child to the Priests for Reconciliation 


Fr Thaddeus Ike


Parish Priest - St. Patrick’s Catholic Parish Glen Innes


Ash Wednesday

We invite families and community members to join us for Ash Wednesday, in  the under croft, at 12:15pm on the 5th March. Stage 2 will be leading the Mass.