Scholastic Book Club


The students are given the chance to order books and items from Scholastic Book Club throughout the year. There are 8 issues per year. If your child wishes to place an order, please fill in the order form and send in an envelope with correct money to your class teacher. You can also place an online order by using the LOOP app. Paper orders are processed and when all the items return to the school they are distributed to your child to take home. If the items are for gifts it is recommended that you put your name and contact number on the top of the order and you will be rung to collect them. As Scholastic gives the school a best before date to place our orders we ask that the orders be returned to school by the due date noted in the newsletter. 

We cannot accept late orders. 

If you have any questions, please contact the school. 


Issue 1 catalogues were sent home last week. Orders will be due back at school by Monday 24th FEBRUARY.