Year 8 Technology

Technology Mandatory Humanoid Robot Challenges

On Tuesday 18th February, 8TM4 had 2 challenges to try to complete. The Team names are Curry Chicken, Cheezel and GG. The teams were set up and students had practiced the lesson before on how to control (code) the robot.


Firstly, students were challenged to Sumo where the students had to get their robots to keep within the field but eliminate their opposition. In this competition, Curry Chicken won their 2 games with Cheezel winning one game. Sometimes it got hard trying to stay upright on the Sumo mat! The Winner of the Sumo was Curry Chicken with 6 points.

Secondly, the students were required to get their robots to do a Dance off! This was a closer competition with Cheezel showing some good techniques and Curry Chicken gave it all they could to the music. The eventual winner was GG with 6 points. 


The final competition was The Robot Wars. All 3 robots had to stay upright and stay within the set area. Every time a robot fell over or was knocked over, they had a strike against them. After 2 rounds of robot wars, Curry Chicken came out in the lead will a total of 6 points, closely followed by GG on 5 points and Cheezel on 4. The overall winners were Curry Chicken with 15 points, GG with 11 points and Cheezel on 6 points.


Students were developing understanding of how to control their robot and this experience will now lead us into actual coding with the Edison Robots and using EdPy coding language. 


Next report, challenges with their Edison Robots in a few weeks.

Ms Cathie Webber

Information Technology Teacher