NDIS Navigator Information

Impairment notices


The NDIS has lots of changes coming and impairment notices is one that is being put into place this year. From the 1st January 2025, all new participants will receive an impairment notice when they access the NDIS. Existing participants will receive their impairment notices overtime. 


Instead of focusing on disability diagnosis, impairment notices focus on the impairment(s) that makes someone eligible for the NDIS. Under this new system, impairments will be classified into 6 different categories:

  • Intellectual

  • Cognitive

  • Sensory

  • Neurological

  • Physical

  • Psychosocial 


A participant may be notified that their NDIS-eligible impairments fall under one or more of these categories. The move to impairment over diagnosis acknowledges that two people with the same diagnosis might have very different impairments. It is a way that the NDIS is trying to make plans and decision with more individualism.


I have attached some information sheets to explain further.




