Classroom Stars and Achievers 

Stars of the Week

Lukas C

For showing Kindness and Respect in our daily Yarning Circles (Rick D3)

Alayah B

For always showing kindness and respect at school (Ms Mayes D4)

Andy C

For showing respect and kindness in the classroom! (Miss Muller D5)

Shaun B

For working hard and kicking goals in IntiaLit! (Miss Woodfield/Ms Kennedy M1)

Willow M

For being a kind and helpful friend to her classmates (Mrs Brown M2)

Oliver A-B

For always working hard on every task (Claire M3)

Amelia B

For showing amazing listening skills and being a wonderful class role model (Claire M3)

Eden C

For excellent estimation skills when measuring capacity (Holly M4)

Lexi J

For being a positive role model. Well done! (Jaymie M5)


Outstanding Achievers

Jake D

For showing courage and performing his speech to the class. Well done Jake! (Lauren B1)

Lilah H

For helping her peers in the classroom and demonstrating kindness! (Miss Hannah B2)

Damien M

For showing kindness to his peers (Mr Loader B4)

Axel G

For organising himself for learning (Mr Loader B4)

Ava D

For challenging herself when writing (Mr Loader B4)

Sadie M

For producing a fantastic first text response in Reader's Workshop. Amazing work, Sadie! (Jess B5)

Edwin B

For showing pride in the quality of his work in all learning areas (Jess B5)

Krystal A

For outstanding contributions in class discussions (Kate S1)

Addyson S

For being a responsible student and on task consistently (Mrs Riddoch S2)

Leyarna H

For consistently presenting clear, well-organised work across all subjects, demonstrating pride in her learning (Rebecca S3)

Arham A

For the amazing effort he put into his writing. It was fantastic to see! (Miss Hunt S4)

Harvey D

For the huge effort he has put into all our learning so far this year (Miss Hunt S4)


For amazing efforts in Physical Education! (Katherine/Miss Wood Physical Education)


For excellent behaviour in Physical Education (Katherine/Miss Wood Physical Education)


For taking on challenging work and successfully following instructions to make a stencilled background for their pumpkin drawing (Mrs Bleicher Visual Arts)


For reflecting on their art making process and celebrating achievements (Mrs Bleicher Visual Arts)


For following instructions promptly and singing with all their heart. Keep it up! (Mrs Duke Performing Arts)


For listening and working well in STEM (Mr Brown STEM)


For co-operating so well during STEM (Mr Brown STEM)