Year 4/5

Welcome back! What a great start to the year we have had in 4/5! These first two weeks of school have been all about making sure that we start our year positively, reinforcing school wide expectations and our team is off to a flying start already.



This term, we will be exploring the text The Last Bear by Hannah Gold, a touching story of kindness, adventure and forging your own path. Students will focus on understanding key themes and vocabulary. We will work on showing comprehension through discussions, making inferences, and responding to the text with both written and oral reflections. This will help deepen students’ understanding of the book while enhancing their reading skills.



In writing, we will focus on enhancing sentence-level writing, adding extra detail. Students will also work on writing a persuasive letter. This will involve students learning the structure of this style of writing, sharing their opinion/argument and justifying this with reasons and evidence. The students will write a well-structured letter, complete with an introduction, 3 body paragraphs and a conclusion. 



In maths, we will be focusing on place value and decimals, helping students understand how to use these numbers and their value in our number system. Fluency in recall of number facts and algorithms will continue with a focus upon using these in problem solving.