
We are off and running with the year and the Preps have made an amazing start. From day one we have been really impressed with how settled and ready to learn they have been. There has been so much to take in, such as new routines, new specialist teachers and lots of new faces but the kids have done an amazing job.


The Start Right program has been a great program to help the Preps understand all of the routines and processes that make up a day at school. So far, we have completed lessons on moving around the school, lining up, expectation in class and lots more.


In English we will be looking at two sounds per week (so far it has been S, A, T and P), learning sight words (on, a, the), how to blend and then moving into some reading. We have begun take home readers, letting the kids develop the routine of taking them home and bringing them back to school to change. In writing we are looking at beginning writers’ skills such as putting letters on the lines, spacing words and writing left to right on the page.


In Maths the focus will be all about numbers. We have started with lots of counting, making sure the kids touch each item and say the number as they touch. We will also look at ordering numbers and matching numbers to pictures.


Fridays are a particular highlight for the Preps as we spend time with our Year 6 buddies. The older kids have been doing a great job, whether this is reading the Preps stories, playing games with them or just sitting next to them eating their lunch. 


When the Preps start full weeks in March, we will begin Auslan and Library sessions.