
Welcome to 2025!
Just to remind our existing families and to welcome our new families, in this section of our newsletter I'll be sharing opportunities for learning/participation/support that you may wish to tap into from our local community and afar, as well as information sharing.
This term the free webinars available to parents/carers through eSafety are:
for more information and to register visit:
The Resilience Project
Next week we will begin our work with The Resilience Project. All students from Prep-Year 6 will be unpacking an aspect of GEM+EL (Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness and Emotional Literacy), these will be known as 'GEM chats' and we will be sharing some of our responses in assemblies. Our Years 4-6 will be following TRP (The Resilience Project) curriculum which includes Respectful Relationships.
Outside the gym you'll find the resource board which will house a 'GEM chat' for families as well. We encourage you to take a look, strike up a conversation with other parents and carers in the yard, take a photo and talk about it over the dinner table with family, take it into your workplace, community group, exercise class,... get creative!
There will be more information throughout the year around family involvement, activities to try at home and more. Please take a look at the board for this and more resources.