Physical Education

Hi all families and friends...and an extra big hello and welcome to all the new families who have joined LPS this year. I hope everyone had a brilliant Xmas break and have come back feeling really refreshed or at least come back feeling a little less overwhelmed. For those of you who don’t know me (and for those of you who do…please be patient whilst I give a very brief, yet riveting, description of myself), I’ve been teaching PE at Lancefield for three years. I’ve been teaching for 16 years in a range of schools spanning the country from the Pilbara Desert in WA, to an Aboriginal boarding school in Healesville and an inner-city Melbourne school. I absolutely love being a teacher and to get to do that where I’m supporting and encouraging kids to become fitter, healthier and more active is a true joy. I love being out here in Lancefield and feel very lucky to be at such a wonderful school with amazing teachers and the best kids ever!
So, this year looks to another incredibly active and fun year in the buzzing and dynamic PE Department. It was so great to have my first sessions with the Preps last week, what an active and fun bunch! We’re going to be doing a range of games and activities over the term to help improve their fundamental movement skills including dancing, ball skills, running and jumping games. I’m excited to get to know them all and to watch them grow and develop both on and off the sporting field…and dance floor!
Year 1s are continuing to be the best dancers in the school! We start every PE session with a “leave everything at the door” dance and as a result have become particularly good at dancing ‘Gangnam Style’! So much fun. The kids have been introduced to Indoor Hockey and are absolutely loving it. It’s a great game and teaches them about hand-eye coordination, movement around the court with their sticks and how to be a supportive and safe team player.
The Year 2-6s are learning about the Components of Fitness and have almost completed a set of fitness assessments to see where they’re at with balance, coordination, strength, speed, endurance, agility and flexibility. We’ve had so much fun with this and of course, all students are encouraged to do their best and be proud of the effort they put in. We’ll come to these at the end of term and see what sort of improvement they can all make. We’re also learning a new sport this term…Lacrosse! This is a great game for fitness, coordination and agility and I’m excited for the students to learn a sport they may never have heard of before!
We have our Whole School Cross Country coming up in Week 6 on Friday 7th March. Preps-2 will be running around the Lancefield Football Oval whilst Grades 3-6 will run around the track. This is always a great morning made all the better if I can get as many parent volunteers to be course marshals around the track. I’ll be asking this more than once between now and then…without people helping me, the day never runs as well.
Thanks everyone….2025, here we come!!