
As the Preps settle into their first weeks of school, they have been very busy in the art room.  This term they are experimenting and developing their fine motor and art skills through paper. So far, they have been tearing paper and cutting shapes. 

Year 1s 


The Year 1s will be creating and exploring the artistic elements of paper. In their first few weeks they have been tearing paper and cutting organic and geometric shapes. 











The Year 2/3s have settled into creative life in the art room seamlessly. We have been setting high expectations and developing their Art Focus Plans to ensure we have a fun, focused and successful year. This term the 2/3s will be exploring paint, the different types through multiple styles or art. 

4/5s and 6s

Our 4/5 and 6 students have set themselves high expectations for Visual Arts this year. They created thoughtful focus plans and have shown strong responsibility and respect in the art room. This term they will be exploring line and the different ways it can used to create and impact artworks.