Important Dates and Upcoming events

Important Dates - Term 1, 2025:

Years 3/4 Sovereign Hill Camp - Thursday 6th - Friday 7th of March

School Closed - Labour Day Public Holiday - Monday 10th of March

School Closed - Teacher Professional Learning - Tuesday 11th of March

NAPLAN Testing Period - Wednesday 12th March - Monday 24th of March

Division Swimming Carnival - Wednesday 12th of March @ Croydon Pool

St Thomas More Open Day #2 - Friday 14th of March @ 9:30am

St Thomas More Open Day #3 - Monday 24th of March @ 9:30am

School Photo Day - Thursday 27th of March - Full Sports Uniform 

End of Term 1 - Friday 4th of April 



Term 2:

Tuesday 22nd of April - Students back for Term 2

Wednesday 23rd of April - Open day #4

Wednesday 23rd of April - Teeth on Wheels Dental Van visit

Thursday 8th of May - Open Day #5

Thursday 29th of May - Sacramental Parent / Child Workshop (3:30pm-4:30pm)

Friday 6th of June - School Closure (Professional Development Day)

Monday 9th of June - School Closure (King's Birthday)

Thursday 12th of June - Sacrament of Reconciliation @ 5pm in the Church

Friday 20th of June - STM Feast Day celebrations and Thommies Market Day

Friday 4th of July - Final Day of Term 2



Term 3:

Monday 21st of July - First Day of Term 3

Monday 28th of July - Swimming Program beings (Each Monday for 5 weeks) (To be confirmed)

Thursday 30th of July - STM Learning Expo (5:00pm start)

Thursday 7th of July - Open Day #6

Sunday 24th of August - Sacrament of First Eucharist @ 9am mass



Term 4:

Monday 6th of October - Term 4 begins

Thursday 30th of October - Junior Information Evening (6:30pm start)

Friday 31st of October - 2026 Prep Transition session 1 (9:30am - 10:30am)

Monday 3rd of November - School Closure (Time in Lieu Day)

Tuesday 4th of November - School Closure (Melbourne Cup)

Thursday 13th of November - 2026 Prep Transition session 2 (9:30am-10:30am)

Wed 26th - Fri 28th of November - CYC City Camp (Years 5+6)

Monday 1st of December - School Closure (2026 Planning Day)

Thursday 4th of December - STM Community Picnic (5:00pm-7:30pm)

Friday 5th of December - Year 6 Fun Day

Monday 8th of December - Meet your 2026 teacher morning @ 10am

Monday 8th of December - Passing on Ceremony @ 2pm in Parish Church

Tuesday 9th of December - End of Year Mass @ 9am

Wednesday 10th of December - STM Christmas Carols @ 2:30pm

Thursday 11th of December - Graduation Lunch @ 1pm

Thursday 11th of December - Graduation Ceremony @ 6pm (Year 6 final day)

Tuesday 16th of December - Prep - Year 5 students final day