Out and About the School


Making Pinch Pots

Throughout lunch times, many students visited KIAH and loved making their own special clay pot in KIAH. They were taught the ‘pinch pot’ technique to make the shape and then used two different tools to imprint designs into the pot. A pinch pot is a simple form of hand-made pottery produced from ancient times to the present. The pinching method is where students use their hand to pinch and mould the clay into a shallow pot shape.


Students returned for an extra session to decorate their pinch pot with paint. They shared what they were going to use their pinch pot for. Some were for giving mum a ‘special gift’ while other students were going to keep little trinkets, rocks, stones or jewellery in it.


St Xavier's School Kinder 2026 OPEN MORNING


School Fees

Fee instalments are due by the 21st of each month.  If you have not paid your February instalment, could you please do so now.  If you have any queries or concerns, please contact Jeni Muller via email: jmuller4@arm.catholic.edu.au or phone 67421136.



Starting Monday 24th February the Council will be completing road works to improve the conditions of the lane. You can still use Kiss and Drop, the changes for people who use this way to pick up are as follows;

  • The lane will revert to one way. You will enter via Osric Street as normal. 
  • The students will leave via the canteen gate as usual.
  • Cars will move up to the corner of the lane where staff will place the children safely in each car. 
  • All cars can only turn right when leaving the lane.


The canteen is looking for helpers on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

The canteen welcomes, parents, grandparents and friends of the school.

Contact Sue Strachan if you are able to offer some time, 0429 847 796.

Uniform Policy


Sports Uniform for Boys and Girls

  • Navy embroidered logo shorts
  • Embroidered logo shirt
  • Microfibre embroidered tracksuit
  • SPORTS SOCKS-Must be plain white and cover the ankles. Students with incorrect socks will be asked to attend the Office and change their socks. 
  • School Hats with St Xavier’s logo must be worn all year round. Please label all clothing, especially hats. 
  • Shoes: School shoes must be completely black school shoes, boots or joggers. Skate style shoes are not acceptable footwear. 


Hair should be neat and tidy at all times and if long must be tied back using maroon, black, navy or white bands or ribbons. Students wearing incorrect bands or ribbons will be asked to attend the Office for a replacement. Extreme haircuts and mullet type hair cuts are not acceptable and best saved for holidays. 

No makeup or coloured fingernail polish is to be worn at any time. Nail polish remover is available in the Office and students will be asked to remove incorrect polish.



Students will be asked to remove incorrect jewellery and place it in a snap lock bag to take home. 


Birthday Food

Please keep in mind we have children in every grade across the school who have particular food allergies. Some of these are very serious and we need to keep everyone safe. The best options for a class birthday treat at school are water icy poles or a lollipop per child. It is best to avoid cakes, muffins etc. We appreciate your support in this area.