A Message from the
Assistant Principal
Mr Steven Belcastro
A Message from the
Assistant Principal
Mr Steven Belcastro
As the weather is warming up during the days, many children are taking their jackets and jumpers off at play time and forgetting to pick then up again. Could you please ensure that you have labelled items of clothing to make it easier to find owners.
As communicated earlier in the year, teachers will be calling parents towards the end of this term as another opportunity to discuss your child's progress. Each teacher will be released from class on a day to make the calls and parents are asked to book their time through Compass so that you have an idea when to expect your call.
Please enter any full day absences into the compass portal as soon as possible. This assists us in maintaining up to date records for your child. If you are not entering explanations for absences, then an email will be sent.
It is important that students are arriving at school on time each day, having a familiar routine and arriving on time help to settle students and allow them to achieve their best at school.
Our SPBL focus for the next 2 weeks is using the stairs.