Grade 4

During English lessons, over the past few weeks, the students worked on a persuasive piece of writing. They brainstormed their ideas and learnt how to add details to their arguments to make them stronger. The students explored a variety of persuasive texts both written and verbal to gain a better understanding of what constitutes a strong argument and how to engage their reader.
This week the students have enjoyed their activities related to Book Week. Each class is reading a novel by the author, Anna Ciddor, and we were lucky enough to be able to meet her in person! It was great listening to how Anna used her own experiences as a child to inspire her writing. It was also interesting to see some of the objects that her characters have in her books, in real life!
During Maths, the students have been working on an Olympic Unit of Work, exploring the mathematical concepts of 3D shapes, money and time. Students needed to design an apartment for an Olympian, budget and calculate the cost of furniture to decorate their apartment. The student then organise a schedule to ensure the Olympian was able to get to all of their events on time. It was impressive to see how the students were able to apply their Maths skills to real world problems.
This year has been special with the Paris Olympics being an outstanding success. During Integrated lessons, the students learnt about why the Olympics are important and how the Olympics bring people together. They learnt about its history, famous Olympians from the past and the current Australian Olympic team. Students studied the meaning of the Olympic rings, what the medals are made out of and the significance of each host country’s mascot. Students finished off their unit designing their own mascot for when Brisbane Australia next hosts the Olympics.