School Related Information

Occasional Medication to be given at school (eg Antibiotics)
If students need to have medication at school, such as an antibiotic, a Medication Authority Form needs to be completed by the student’s parents or guardians. These forms can be obtained from the office.
Medication should be sent in its original box, bottle, or container with the original pharmacist label intact.
Medication that is three times a day should be scheduled outside school hours. Eg Medication should be given before school, after school and before bed.
In accordance with Oatlands Primary School Policy –
First Aid Management and Procedures.
Thanking you in advance for your cooperation.
Leonie Simons & Claire O’Regan
Every Conversation Matters
Please find attached a flyer for Every Conversation Matters - a talk on Child Safety at Bunjil Place Library for parents and Educators during Child safety Week, Tuesday 3rd September at 6:45pm.