Whitehorse Family Network

Whitehorse Family Network- all welcome!
All are welcome to join our community group of parents & family supporting Whitehorse Primary with events, friendship and fun!
We have been overwhelmed with ideas and support over the past few terms and have some exciting things on the horizon to be involved with- some of which are a 'Giggle & Sip' comedy night & a 'Mum's Night In' since our Dad's Social Group have recently had a great night out!
Many thanks to our 'Freezer Angel' helpers who continue to deliver fresh healthy meals for our community. Please help yourself to meals if you are in need or know someone in the community who would benefit. Many of our soups were appreciated by sick families over winter! Meals are located in the chest freezer directly behind lost property near the staff room area, and have Freezer Angels stickers on them.
Many thanks to all of our families that purchased delicious pies through Tony's Pies- we raised $759 towards our school! A huge thank you to our volunteers who also donated their time to help sort and distribute!
Upcoming events- Fathers Day Stall 30th Aug & Footy Hot Dog Day 20th Sept!
Register to stay involved with WFN here:
Many thanks
Coral & Michael O'Malley