What's On in 3/4

With the Olympic Games happening, we have been able to make lots of connections between maths and sport. We took advantage of the beautiful weather to explore the concept of length outside. First we estimated how long we thought a 50 metre Olympic swimming pool would be compared to our school oval. Then we were able to refine our estimates after using trundle wheels to measure different distances in metres.
We learnt about the Olympic values of Excellence, Respect and Friendship. We explored what these values mean, and how we can demonstrate them while we are at school. The students made posters with their ideas- here are some examples of their visual representations of the Olympic values.
The Olympics also provided students with the opportunity to conduct their own statistical investigation. They each designed their own survey question (related to the Olympics), then conducted a survey and collated the data in tables. The students were very enthusiastic about using digital technology to present their data in different formats- such as bar graphs, pie charts and line graphs. Finally, the students recorded all of the information that they could interpret from the data representations, often incorporating their knowledge of fractions and decimals.
Our students have researched an Australian Olympic athlete that is currently competing in Paris. The children combined their research, writing and creativity skills to construct these incredible trioramas!