What's On in 1/2

Grade 2 Hoop Time
On Friday 2nd August Grade 2s were lucky to be invited to participate in hoop time against 4 other schools such as Range View Primary, Victoria Road and Mount Waverley PS. The students had such a great time and learnt a lot of basketball skills and moves. For some it was their first experience out on the court and they learnt very quickly what had to be done to get the ball down the court and into the ring.
Thank you to our parent helpers who came to cheer and support students on the day and to Mrs Cotroneo and Miss Henderson who helped make the day run smoothly and enjoyable for all. We had great feedback from both bus drivers who were impressed with the behaviour and respectfulness that our students showed.
Rose G
I shot with excitement and I got a shot! 2 points!
I put all my energy into the game.
Jacob T
At the Nunawading Basketball Club there was a bounce here and a bounce there, a bounce EVERYWHERE! It was chaotic! I loved it! It was soooooooooooooo much fun! I felt like I was chasing the ball, which I was!
Elizabeth D
Bounce, bounce, shoot score! My experience to Hoop Time couldn’t have been better. First, we played 2 energetic games of Octopus. After we played 2 highly loud games of Knock Out and in the second game I came 3rd but Harry got me out!
Remy WK
Swish! The basketball goes straight through the basket! It’s a hard game and we lost.
Cooper A
We were going on the bus to the basketball game. The ball SLAMMED in the hoop! It was amazing!
Quinn C
At Hoop Time, I did things that I had never done before! It was so exciting. I played 4 games! I got so many goals! The net was swishing and swashing everywhere! I was sweaty at the end. I didn’t care. The bus was so, so late. I felt ………. But finally it came. My energy was down and I was so tired. We were back at school before we knew it and I was delighted.
Students love visiting our school’s library and borrowing books of their interest. It’s been really terrific watching them choose right fit books and even books that spark their interest. We look forward to watching this love of reading continue!
Mini Olympics
In week 4, Level 1 / 2 decided to CELEBRATE the PARIS OLYMPICS.
We ran a Mini Olympics Tabloid Sports Morning as part of our Olympics theme. We added a Maths component and decided to tally up the points and then finish up with the total to arrive at our Gold, Silver and Bronze medalists. We also were delighted to hand out some good sportsmanship awards. Each group then rotated around the yard and participated in four activities. After each activity students were given a score and this score was noted and tallied up at the end. At the end of the rotations a total was done and worked out which teams won gold, silver and bronze medals. The national anthem was sung and medals given out.
Students looked at this year’s Paris Olympic Game medal tally, measured distances using formal and informal units as well as estimating beforehand. They have been reasoning and sharing their understandings about the different sports in the Olympic Games and we have loved sharing snippets of past game highlights especially the Olympic games in Sydney 2000. We still can’t believe that our students weren’t even born during that time when it feels like only yesterday that they occurred!
We hope that students had a wonderful time!